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RE: Saying goodbye to my career

in #blog8 years ago

Plenty of tips, depends on what you're looking for though XD

I'm not the most sociable person in the world (I'd actually much rather stay home and draw than go to a party though I'll drag my carcass along if one of my good friends wanted me to go XD) but I actually found it reasonably easy to keep attending those things when I had babies and toddlers, mostly because my oldest would quite happily sleep anywhere so I'd just plop him on someone's bed or a couch when he got to the size where wearing him in the sling was getting heavy.

Slings are lifesaver just in general (because do you really want to put that gorgeous little squishy down? XD) and especially if you have a clingybub. Learn how to backsling and you can just do what you do with a slight weight on your back and baby will just sleep or at least be content (til it's feeding or nappy changing time). If you don't have shoulder/back/neck/leg issues and have the means I highly recommend a good ring sling and an Ergo (both if you can stretch the budget) if you haven't already.

You'll probably still be able to work from home if you can find something you want to work from home (I was doing web dev til recently when I cut back deliberately because I wanted to do more work on my animation project, I'm still doing web dev but only for current and word of mouth clients).

Even if you don't ork from home just make sure you have at least one activity/hobby that's all about you and isn't babycentric (this will help with that sense of identity crisis :)) and obviously don't forget to spend some time with your partner XD

Ahhhh your baby is so adorable it hurts. Have fun and enjoy this time, it doesn't actually last nearly as forever as it feels like sometimes :)


Thanks so much for the tips! Yeah, she's getting heavier each day and we have invested in a carrier. Definitely helps!
Love the idea of having a hobby or finding ways to work from home.
Thanks, I find her adorable....but then again I think I'm supposed to! She's just growing so fast - too fast!