Colour Splash Butterfly Photography 🦋

in #blog2 years ago (edited)

Photography is one of the best thing i never get tired of currently, i so much respect that feeling of satisfaction when editing and manipulating some good pictures after a shot.

Normally i do shoot nearly about 50 pictures or more for just a particular scene and i end up deleting 40 plus of those pictures haha. Yeah selecting the very best and letting the rest off my device so they don't consume so much of my useful space.

One thing I love the most is nature, obviously nature is simply the best thing you could capture on camera especially if you are a newbie in the photographing drill.

This wonderful shots I'm about to share with you were shot using mobile photography but despite that, i think it still looks cools after I've done some more cooking on light room.

Monochrome photography.
Can you spot the butterfly?

Yeah there is a butterfly on that photography just perching on a flower buy if you don't see it then no worries I'll give you a better zoom.

This gentle butterfly came around to suck off nutrients and admire the beautiful pale flower, you won't see the actual colour because I edited with a monochrome effect and splashes of colours to make it look fabulous.

I enjoy using the splash effects on pictures that have different sharp colours like a combination of R B G or other secondary colours, this will make it easier to detect one colour out from the other and that brings about the splash effects in the photography.

This is a purple splash on the photo which is revealing just the colour of the Colour of the pale flower while every other part remains monochrome, cool isn't it?.

I had two different species of butterflies on the same location and i think the second butterfly looked more fabulous as it had colour spotted on the wings that makes a splash on it look really cool.



Woo this one was so cool right fom the original scene when i pictured it. The wings of yhis butterfly had some orange and red spots and i merged the colour by splashing red with some amount of brown that is how it resulted to that picture.

I do have various pictures of different insects, plants and other animals that i would keep sharing with us from time to time i hope you enjoyed seeing this one, you can tell me how you feel and what you see about it in the comment do have a great day 🦋❤️