Top 10 Tips to Increase your Blog’s Traffic

in #blog7 years ago

Use your blog as marketing tactic to drive more traffic to your business website. More than half of traffic comes to your website from the regular blog post. It is easy to setup a blog but hard to run a successful blog with significant traffic.
Blog of your website can be used to publish something special and distribute it across internet to your audience who can take advantage of it. Want more traffic to your site?

As the traffic of your blog increases, new ideas start coming to earn money. Understanding why blog traffic numbers are important will help you to achieve your business goals. Blog traffic is important to be engaged with your audience. SEO can help boost your blog traffic but it has changed so much, but still relevancy is a big factor which is why owning a UK street address if your blog is related to UK is still a major ranking factor.

Increasing blog traffic is an art and it’s my first priority to share best tips to boost your blog traffic. Look these top 10 proven strategies tactics to boost readership and drive more traffic to blog in 2017:


  1. Use social media sites to share blog posts and promote it.

A much better way to increase blog traffic is to share each blog post multiple times on different social media platform. The number of active users in different social networking sites is very high such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest; and that is why it would be better to share blog post to your targeted audience.
Join Facebook groups, Pinterest and linked groups to promote your blog.

  1. Guest Blog

The guest blogging is quite common these days and has become the latest trend of best blogging strategy. Guest posting is one of the best and fastest way to drive more traffic to your blog by writing for other people’s blogs.
So, establishing a good relation with bloggers online is necessary and it can help you in so many ways. You can ask them easily to publish guest post on their blogs. After submitting your guest post, you have to give your bio including your website link and social media details. Guest blogging not only drive more traffic to your blog but also improve SEO, build Backlinks, strong reputation and build domain authority too.

  1. Blog Commenting

Blog commenting is simple way to drive traffic to your blog in an easy way. First, leave quality comments on other blogs related to the published posts you are writing for. And then, make sure to leave your blog’s URL so that people will read your comments and know your online presence.
If people like your comment, more likely to visit your blog and it is the perfect way to get new reader. Make sure to leave meaningful comments on other sites and it will boost your blog traffic.
Second, respond comments left to your blog post immediately to show how you value their advice and opinion. The best way to be engaged with new readers and it increases reader loyalty.
Blog commenting is the best way to promote your blog by being an authentic, thoughtful and an interesting commenter and it help to drive huge traffic to your blog.

  1. Run Blogging Contest

Contest and giveaways are the best techniques mostly used to boost your blog traffic.
Offer something awesome to your audience for likes, comments share of your blog post on different social networks. This idea will help to get free Backlinks and new customer and hence your site will get more traffic.
Also, you will have an opportunity to know your customer interest and make them feel better. In my view “blogging contest strategy” works wonder to your blog and gives great benefit to the website owner taking less time.

  1. Write answers on Quora

Of course Quora can help to get more quality traffic to your blog. People who don’t know the some term or basically search on online forum site such as
Quora provides you a golden opportunity to promote your blog. Help people writing relevant answers on questions which are already asked in Quora. Answer only those questions in which you are expert in and know very well; and drag them to your blog adding your blog URL.
You can also choose your blog post to use as your answer and the link back in Quora.

  1. Create SEO optimized Webpage

Creating a SEO optimized webpage; search engine can easily access your blog post and hence boost traffic. So, focus on good long tail keywords to use in your blog content. It helps your website comes first when people look for solution in search engine.
It is essential for every blogger to optimize their webpage so that it works wonder and drive more traffic. Add tags and Meta description very well for SEO of your blog page.

  1. Create viral content

Your content goes viral when you write well on a topic relevant to your customer and you get more traffic to your website. Let me tell your important tips to make content viral among people: Keep content short but informative and fully focused on topic, add images and use lists.
Creating a compelling headline to your post is the best way to leave impression among people. It is tough, but work great when you follow some of its simple rules to write blog content and drive traffic.

  1. Publish an ultimate roundup post

If there is any strategy that can boost your blog traffic is: create an expert and ultimate roundup post”. You will get more social likes, comments and shares of posts and it remains the most shares posts on your recent blog posts.
It helps to your blog in many ways such as building relationships with influencers, attract huge traffic and boost your authority in an easy way. Therefore, this blogging strategy to get traffic has become the latest trend to every blogger.
It is seen that the well managed roundup post goes viral in a very short time and get more responds, so ask right questions from the online experts and promote it.

  1. Enable Feed and Email subscriptions

Email subscription, is one of effective method to directly communicate with your regular reader. Create a great email list and RSS feeds to get more traffic to your blog than your think.
You may ask to drop their email for getting in touch. Motivate your customer and make them familiar how they will benefit of reading your regular blog posts.
It is all about a good decision when you work to make them aware on a particular topic.

  1. Include internal links

Don’t forget to include internal links that help to boost your blog traffic.
It helps your websites overall SEO and authority of your home page increases. People, who visit your website for any single reason, find other more interesting stuff going through the internal links and they stay more time than the usual.
Another very important reason to include internal links is to reduce bounce rate and increase the average time spend by the reader on a page. It also helps in navigating your website and increases the chances of crawl ability, that’s it.

Conclusion: You have written a beautiful, meaningful and informative blog post but not getting responds as much you want, it is because of you don’t know to promote your blog content among the crowd of people.

Drive your all post among the people and it can only be easier when you know the above tactics to boost your blog traffic.

By following these smart tactics you can easily increase your blog traffic. Best way to increase readership is to drive your post in front of people who are looking for it.

Hope, these tips will help to boost your blog traffic all, more than I am thinking.


Another great post! Your tips are right on and will help anyone who follows them. I wrote an article on using articles for marketing that may also be interesting.

Thank you,
Spencer Coffman
Debt Consolidation