My 'Somebody'steemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog7 years ago


Everybody has this one person in their life whom they can never forget. Doesn't matter if they are still in contact or are the same person they were or not. You remember them. Maybe in hatred, maybe in love, maybe they bring sadness, maybe they remind you of who you were - but they are the reason what we are today, the reason for a drastic change in you. They teach us the harsh truths of life the hard way, they show to us the reality of life, that all those fairytale concepts were actually vague, they help us grow and lead our life in a way we never could without them.

That one person, no doubt you know them too well, inside out. They're different, from a bunch of other people faking the same smile. They're different because maybe you know them too well to notice the tiniest change in them. You think, 'Why did they have to change?'. But trust me, they had to. For their own good, and somebody has to feel bad about it. This is what made me write this article.

Well, let me ask you a question.
Have you ever been so madly in love with someone that everything related to that person held so much value to you that you protected it like a valuable possession. The pettiest thing? A pen they gave to you unmindfully and forgot to take back? A chocolate they gifted to you, and the wrapper is still carefully folded and kept in between the pages of your diary?
Well yeah, I feel you.
To others, I might seem psychotic to you, but let me tell you one thing. If you haven't done any such thing, you have never actually been in love. I know because I did this too (maybe?). Because I could never make that person a part of my life, because I loved him too much to lose him completely, so I held onto these tiny possessions.

My motivation to write this story? A chocolate wrapper.

Well honestly even I had no idea that this small piece of crumpled wrapper could make me so vulnerable that I would lie here wide awake at 4.30 am, that the gush of memories would be so painful.

You may ask, why? Its just a piece of wrapper, isn't it?

I agree, just a wrapper which I could easily throw away. But its not just about the wrapper, it's about the chain of memories it is related to, another trace left by that one person. The flashbacks bring a soothing pain of their own. And well there's no way you could understand it if you haven't already been there, mate.

Everybody changes, and that's a fact. The person you love, ever look at him and miss the person they were before? I so wish that I could rewind​ time to see them again as the person they were, if he could be the person he was again even just for a day? Or just talk to him about it for once? But he has changed and long gone.

After I recovered from the endless stretch of memories, just for the sake of this night, I realized that maybe somwhere all of this was destined to happen. Neither me nor anyone could do anything about it, because as I said sometime or the other people do change. And does it matter? They're happy, and that's what you ever wanted, right? In the end, I simply stare at him as he spreads her beautiful wings and takes off into the boundless space of life - higher and higher. And all I do, is fall in love with him a bit more. Its all worth it.