Real horror story, my own experience
Hi, I want to share a story; an interesting and real experience that my friends and I had some years ago in the place where I live. We are residents of a 15-floors building, and when we were younger we used to go down to play in the park that the building had (no longer, they removed it). We also used to play soccer, hide and seek, the thief and police, among other games, and we took advantage of the month of December, which is the month where a couple of Italian friends came to visit us, since they have an aunt who lives in the building and every December They spent Christmas with us.
One day, in the afternoon, we were in the extinct park and heard a chilling scream, with a deep and heartbreaking voice; a kind of infernal howl of something that did not seem human, and we frightened. We started to look around, but we could not find out where that disturbing sound came from. That scream came up again several times, in an intentional way to try to scare us, and in fact it succeeded. It was the first time something like that happened to us, and we did not know who or what it was, and at first we thought it was a person making a joke in bad taste with the intention of frightening us, and that was our first conclusion.

We continued playing several days in a row and at a certain moment of a certain day, we heard again that voice that echoed all over the place, and you know what? apparently only we were able to listen to it, because nobody else was aware of that, and obviously no one would believe that situation if we told it.
We braved ourselves and tried to find out where those serious howls came from, and we went into the reception of the building, and we started to hear screams again; apparently they came from the stairs, a few floors above, although we did not know exactly what floor it was. We peeked up the stairs and looked up, and in the middle of the grids of them we saw what seemed to be a head, but it was very far, and it was quite large and completely black, which scared us a little.

This foto belongs to TripAdvisor

We started to go upstairs and we realized that the sounds were getting louder and probably came from the highest floors of the building; however, we were not going to go up there without something to protect ourselves with, so each one of us went to his house to grab heavy weapons. We are all in a flat and, armed with mops, with brooms and other household objects, we set out to go upstairs on foot to find the one who tried to scare us all those days.

We were on the 6th floor and the sounds became serious and constant, while we kept going up. We were all moving slowly and we were looking to see if that thing was still there, and there was still that strangely shaped black head that was apparently watching us. Because of that, we called the phenomenon '' The black man '' because we could not see his facial features, and that was the name we put him.

We kept going up and we were almost reaching the top floors when we heard a loud scream that with the proximity we had of the place, took us by surprise and made us descend completely running, and we all came back to be in the same place as before, and we could never know who or what that thing was.
We spent several days without knowing or listening to the '' black man '' after that, until one day (close to December 24) we were all talking in the park. In Venezuela there were several occasions and times when there were many blackouts, so everything was dark and in the shadows, and unfortunately for us, that day was one of them. It was getting late and around 7:00 - 8:00 PM there was a power outage, and for our surprise, we were down and suddenly everything went off, and with that came a creepy, demonic-looking bass voice that, at the pair of the situation, made us shit on us (literally). We started shouting for help and many people looked out the window to see what was happening, and they saw us all hugging each other in panic at the time. We ran inside and one of my friends could not find the keys to the front door, and while that voice made another appearance, we tried to open the lock that prevented us from entering. After going through that, we all went upstairs and we spent a good time on a single floor, while we talked and tried to calm down a bit.
That was one of the most horrific experiences we've had, and after that day we did not hear anything about that "specter" that lurked in the dark. This is one of the legends of the building, something that we all remember and continue telling up to this day, as it is something we will not forget.
I hope you have entertained reading this, Greetings to all :))
Hola @psicoparedes recibe nuestro humilde voto.
Pues @adictofilosofia consideró que tienes el don de ofrecernos una gema y te otorgo nuestro...
Llámalo cuando quieras, avisa a @nnnarvaez si alguien lo utilizó donde exista plagio. Si tienes preguntas búscanos en discord Reveur-Venezuela
As an English teacher, I have to say you write quite well. Congratulations. I was wondering if you could share a little bit what it's like for you in Venezuela these days. Is there food in the markets, are you able to afford it, etc.? What about medical care? Politically, is there a large outcry against the current government? The reports I get here in Europe are conflicting. Please post a story about that. also, check your wallet :) Prosperos anos!
Yes, of course, I will post how the situation is here up to now. I've been having troubles with the Internet, that's why I haven't been able to post lots of stuff, but I am just struggling. Thanks for your support :)
Bueno :) I'm looking forward to learning more!
Scary shit!
horrible scary and fun
Scary story!
chilling story
wow susto jejeje
wow is very scary
Very scary o.o
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