Think Different: The Two Worst Enemies Of Success

in #blog7 years ago

Its Takes Passion To Be Successful
It has been said that if people should put all their energy into achieving their goals as they spend making excuses for failure, they would actually surprise themselves.

perhaps there are to biggest enemies of success and personal fulfillment they are first The path of least resistance and the second is The Expediency factor.

The path of least resistance:
This is what causes people to take the easy way in almost every situation in all ramification of their lives.They seek shortcuts to everything.They look for get rich quick schemes and easy money. they arrive at work at last minute and leave at the first opportunity. over time they develop the habit of always seeking an easier and faster way to get the things they want rather than doing what is hard but necessary to achieve real success.

The Expediency factor:
This is an extension of the law of least resistance which and its even worse when leading people to failure and underachievement. the principle states that "people invariably seek the fastest and easiest way to get the things they want right now with no concern for the long term consequences of their behaviors".


Defeat Your Enemies Today
In other words, most people do what is expedient, what is fun and easy rather than what is necessary for success every hour and minute of everyday. There is battle going on inside of you between doing what is right, hard and necessary OR doing what is fun, easy with little or no value.

Every minute will must fight and battle with expediency factor and resist the pull of the path of least resistance if you truly desire to become everything you are capable of becoming..

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