Graffiti - Expression or Disrespect? - Van Trip Part 3
Graffiti, It's been going on for years, but is it an expression of a supressed section of society or is it a damn right travesty and lack of respect?
In parts one and two, I detailed sections of my van road trip and the exploration of some WW2 defensive structures. Once inside, I found they were all decorated with graffiti and sponsored 'art' - In this case, some welded words in the window of the lookout tower. The meaning is a bit cryptic to me?

Howdy sir preppervetuk! yes sir I agree, very disrespectful in this situation. I like certain graffiti artists where they are paid to paint murals but not here on these.
I'm with you on that one. I suppose the saving grace is the fact that the graffiti is on the inside (Damage Limitation)?
yes sir very true, I wonder why it's only on the inside though? oh well, just be thankful it is I suppose.
It's expression when you draw on your own things. It's disrespect when you draw on other people's things without permission. I don't think this rule has changed since cave days but maybe it has in Upside Down Land.
Kids! Maybe in the future, once they've grown up a bit, they'll realise and appreciate the ways of the world/heritage and sacrifices from history.