A Superman: Red Son Movie?!

in #blog7 years ago

(That symbol stands for hope comrade)

According to the nerdverse, Warner Bros., have been talking about making a live-action adaptation of Mark Miller’s iconic what-if story Superman: Red Son — keep it in mind that me and a lot of people that talk about possible movies have no idea what “talking” actually means in those board meetings — but apparently Jordan Vogt-Roberts director of Kong: Skull Island and Mark Miller have had a little back and forth on social media about how Miller’s story has come up several times at Warner Brothers. Now I understand that social media isn’t the most reliable source for anything nowadays, but hey, if it could get Trump in the White House you never know… However, one thing I know for certain is that a Red Son movie would not fit within the DCEU at all (at least not right now), that dream sequence in BvS didn’t even make sense, imagine randomly throwing in a "what if Superman’s ship fell in the Ukraine instead Kansas?” story. Exactly. Please don’t.

Disclaimer: I don’t consider what I’m about to write, and what you are about to not read a rant. It’s more of a warning.

Let’s start this shit.

For those that don’t have the slightest idea of what Superman: Red Son is about. It’s basically what I stated above. Superman’s ship lands on a farm in the Ukraine in the 1950s and instead of fighting for truth, justice and the American way (whatever that means) he is depicted as fighting for the common worker, and Stalin’s beliefs or some shit. Batman, Wonder Woman and the Green Lantern are in it as well and are also portrayed differently. Spoiler alert things don't go so well.

As I said above this isn’t a rant, but a warning, and I just want to ask (in case this does end up happening) Warner Bros., what the fuck? Why do you guys have to always rush on shit? I understand that Marvel is winning the arms race right now, but slow your roll. Wonder Woman was a fucking hit, hopefully, Justice League will do well so just keep riding that high, don’t fuck it up. You haven’t even nailed Supes yet, we got a mopey guy who fucking killed Zod and doesn’t understand why nobody loves him. We have a Batman who murders whatever is in sight (unless their mothers have the same name) and now you are talking about a movie where Superman becomes a dictator! In the words of the great Kendrick Lamar “Bitch sit down, be humble.”.

What I’m trying to say here is that we barely know the characters in the Universe you are trying to establish, we haven’t even been properly introduced to Batfleck. Do you really think that most people understood that BvS was slightly based on the Dark Knight Returns? Trust me they didn’t, hence why that, among other things caused so much backlash for the movie. Just let the audience get to know your characters first, then, think about fucking it up. Don’t just assume people are going to watch whatever you throw at them. You aren’t at the same level as the MCU, you can’t just be like “Fuck you we are Marvel watch a raccoon and a big tree fight in space peasants” at least not yet.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a DC fanboy and I would most likely watch a Red Son movie, however, it’s because I’m a fanboy thus I want to see the DCEU do well. Therefore, Please don't. Anyway, if it were to happen and Warner Brothers launched a what-if universe. Here are the ones I would like to see:

Flashpoint Paradox: The Flash fucks up the timeline and ends up in an alternate reality where Bruce Wayne is the one that dies in that alley, and Thomas Wayne (his father) becomes Batman and his mother Martha Wayne loses her mind and becomes the Joker. Among other messed up shit.

Kingdom Come: Set in the year 2020 the Justice League is retired and new heroes take over. However, the new heroes are a bunch of millennial fuck boys, fidget spinner dickheads who don’t really give a fuck about the people they are supposed to save, killing villains and each other alike. Thus making Superman come out of retirement to try and teach them not be cunts and obviously, shit doesn’t go as planned. Probably the most critically acclaimed and best what-if story ever written.

Crisis on Infinite Earths: Too complicated to explain. But basically shit happens on a Multiversal level and it’s fucking awesome.

Injustice Gods Among Us: My favorite story so far. Imagine if the Joker tricked Superman into killing Lois Lane by making him think she is Doomsday. Are you hyped yet? No. Okay, now imagine all that, but Lois Lane is fucking pregnant with Supes’ child. Still nothing? Fine. Add the fact that Superman after killing Lois becomes a ruthless dictator since he has nothing to live for. Multiply that shit with a war between the heroes that support Superman and the ones that support Batman. Exactly. It fucking has everything and by everything, I mean, DC/Vertigo characters that you wouldn’t even dream of appearing in the same comic book. Yep, it’s a must read. I am currently on Injustice 2 and after so much shit went down already, I still can’t wait for more.

That’s all folks, just wanted to do something different I guess. This warning may have been a bit longer than I expected it to be, but I like to ramble. Either way Warner Brothers, just tread lightly no need to rush just because Logan was a brilliant what-if story doesn’t mean you have to jump ship straight away, give us some more of that Wonder Woman style goodness, then I’m sure we will stand behind you.

Alright, another Podsr "rant" done. Want me to rant more often? Press that upvote button and suggest something in the comments below. If you are new here just follow I guess. I usually write stuff that pisses me off whenever I feel like it, but if you suggest something I might just do it. See ya!

PS: I understand that we might get a Flash Point movie. I may write about it in the future. Let me know if that is something you would like to read :)




A more explanatorial point of view of why, it should end up being a one-off movie or just Voigt covering his ass.
