Foodie has a job interview

in #blog6 years ago

Oh yes, it has finally happened.

Header sunrise

I've been looking around for a job for a while now. I was in no rush, but figured I should keep my eyes open if a good one came along. The thing is, I have two wishes which made the search a lot harder. I wanted to drive half an hour max, preferably within my current province, because driving here is a breeze. I also wanted to work three days max.

I applied to a fulltime job, but got rejected ofcourse. I applied to a parttime job that seemed to fit my cv, but got rejected, because I 'wasn't eligible for the job', whatever that means. I talked to a few recruiters who all told me my parttime wishes meant they didn't have anything for me (how progressive of IT jobs. And they still wonder why there aren't more women in IT...). I talked to one recruiter who called bullshit on that and he wants to meet after his vacation.

So, multiple rejections in a row! This spoiled brat was not used to that. I was used to getting invited for every job I applied to. I guess things are a little different once you leave the north. Or was it the parttime thing?

I kept on searching and then, I found a job posting for 30 minutes away from here. A job for 24-36 hours a week. Not in my province, but an easy drive nonetheless. I wrote my application letter and while doing this, I noticed the planned date for job interviews had already passed. Bah! I was still able to send in my application though, so figured what the heck. I wrote in the application that I want 3 days, 24 hours, but I'm flexible if there's ever a little more work to be done.

I got a call the day after to invite me for an interview. So this friday, I will head over there and we'll see how things go!

What I like about this job is that it is in the healthcare sector, like my previous job(s). It has care facilities and such, which my first (longest) job had aswell, so I know a little about how such a company works. What I also like about this job is that I will be managing the HR application and they want knowledge of HR processes. I managed and expanded the HR platform in my first job, so I know a lot about this. The only downside is that I don't know this particular application. I said so in the application too, so that won't come as a surprise. How hard can it be though, as long as I'm already familiar with HR processes, learning a new application should be easy enough.

The job posting's starting date stated 1 october, which is basically the monday after my first interview. I don't know if they would want me to start that quickly, but just in case, I'm taking things easy this week. This means even less time on Steemit/Weku/pc in general.

If I do get this job, we'll have to hurry up and buy a new (used) car, because hubby is using mine for his daily drive to work. He'll need his own if I start using mine, but buying a used car doesn't have to take long, so we should be fine. I could tell them I'm starting a week later because of this, but we'll see!

I have mixed feelings about this whole thing. I'm enjoying the time I get to spend working on my own stuff right now, but it's not bringing in any extra cash (darn crypto drops), so getting a regular job is really interesting financially speaking. There are still so many things I want to do to make this home perfect (like solar panels). I want to cut down on our monthly costs, so I want to lower our mortgage faster than we do now. I want other durable solutions installed at some point. It all costs money. Money I can't earn through Steemit right now. So yeah, regular job would be good.

Besides, I had a couple of great years at my previous, longest job in a similar position, so this could be a great opportunity! I loved the challenges there and it showed me work doesn't always have to be bad/boring/annoying/whatever. It can actually be fun and challenging.

Fingers crossed!

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My own image used as a header for my blog posts.

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Good luck :)

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Good luck for your Job Interview, bdw if its a healthcare you might have to change your food habit :P

Thanks! What's wrong with my food habit? :o

I have mixed feelings about this whole thing.

That's understandable @playfulfoodie. It's a big change but it sounds very positive from what you know so far.

i hope the interview goes well and you like the sound of the job and they like the sound of you. 😁

Thank you @gillianpearce! We'll see today :D

good luck hopefully cryptos will rise again and give all of us an extra something! possibly the solar panels will be paid full by steemit!

Thank you! Yeah, wouldn't that be amazing? :-)

That is awesome! Congrats on the job interview. Here in the states it is not uncommon to start a job the next day after an interview for a few reasons.

One being, they have already done their research on you as an employee - contacted previous employers, verified references, etc before calling you in for an interview. This streamlines who they actually dedicate time to in person.

I am in the opposite position right now. I am transitioning from a full time job to working at home with my public relations company (writing press releases and video game manuals for a client). My day job is very accommodating about it - asking if I would be available to work "as needed" which I will be.

It makes working from home much easier as the hours they will need me there will cover my monthly living expenses (but not much else) while leaving me time to expand my PR company.

Enough about me. Lol. Again, congratulations on this interview. You will knock it out of the park.

Sounds like you've got a pretty good deal going on! I wish you lots of luck expanding your PR company :D

And thanks, I'll know more by the end of today I imagine. Usually companies here do some things after interviews, like for this job, they require some government info about criminal past (don't have one!) and such, but they can only ask for it once you're their prefered candidate I think.

Either way, I'll probably have to tell them to wait another week, because we need to buy a car.