Dear Steemians
It's cold and white outside!
That's right, we got the first, actual snow this week. The timing was a bit annoying, but what can you do?
So, as I told you last time, our weekend was quite busy. Saturday, we first drove over to my house, because the couch was getting picked up. These people actually showed up and the couch was gone in no time! I'm really happy to have that big thing out of the home.
After that, we waited for my mum to pick us up. Sadly, my brother and his girlfriend ended up not joining us, so we went to my grandmother's home just the three of us. The rest of the family arrived soon after and we ate lots of yummy snacks before eating dinner together.
We had lots of yummy food, each of us brought something with them, so there was plenty to choose from.
After dinner, we played a little game where one person tells a weird story, and the others try to figure out how this situation came to be by asking yes or no questions. It was lots of fun!
There was some of my pizza leftover, so we took that back home with us to my mum, which is where we were sleeping over for the night. I was really sad, because I had forgotten our bag, so I didn't have our stuff with us! We survived, but we didn't sleep very well.
On sunday, lots of snow would fall. Someone was coming to pick up our bed from my house, but they came a bit earlier because of the snow. My mum dropped us off there, because our car was still at my house.
While the men were busy with the bed, I packed up a couple of bags to take back with us to the cabin. Once they were done, we packed up the car and went back home to the cabin.
We started with no snow, but after a little while snow started falling. It got worse and worse and by the end of the trip, the world was white.
My boyfriend's dad saw us arriving and stepped out to tell us "It's warm inside here!", so we unpacked, started the woodstove and then went to his house. We finished our pizza there, decided on what to eat in the evening and after a while, we went back to the cabin.
I unpacked, so now our kitchen island is filled with stuff aswell. My kitchen still isn't empty though! Oh my gosh, so much stuff!
Today, more snow is coming in the afternoon. I hope my boyfriend will be home from work before that starts!
Right, time to add more wood to the stove. Sorry I'm not sharing any pictures right now, but I'm on the netbook, because it's cold where my computer is.
Have a good day!
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Have a good day @playfulfoodie
Thank you @tfame3865, you too :D
You're lucky you have snow, we get none of It lol.
Yeah, it really is pretty! Less fun for traffic though.
Yes that It true. My kids are waiting to play In the snow.
The kitchen takes the longest! When we moved, we had my mom and bro helping us for two whole days, just for the kitchen :o
Yeah, it doesn't seem to end :D
lol It will at some point. It does. Putting everything back in a new kitchen is actually faster.
So jealous you have snow there! I have around 30 Celsius degree here all year long!
While that sounds quite lovely right about now, I understand that it would probably become a bit boring and you'd like a change now and then!
You are right! But I suppose you have different weather at different months right? In my country it’s like it’s always summer. Super hot.
I want some snow hahahah!
Yeah, we have different seasons. Though after a while of summer, I wish for colder weather and after a short time of winter, I wish for summer! :D
and on the other side i cant type because the sunlight blind my eyes :P but the cold and especially snow provides an atmosphere
Let even the heart-day like that .. will be moved when done with family. Very good post this sister ....