MOTHERHOOD (the calling of a lifetime)

in #blog7 years ago

Motherhood is the state or experience of having or raising a child. Giving birth to and raising a child is an example of motherhood ,adopting and raising is an example of motherhood.


Motherhood is one of the most difficult marks a new chapter in every woman's story it gives you a new strength in yourself,something you didn't know was there until you had children you encounter a love and passion for your children that you've never experienced before.

What does it mean to be a mother? Being a mother is also about much more than that, there's some large, overwhelming and beautiful piece at the centre of motherhood that is so hard to put words's a feeling, not an explanation. May be that piece is best called love. It is truly a unique love reserved for the mother/child relationship.

Do you know a mother is someone who natures, someone who cares for the deepest places of your heart. Anyone can throw a meal at you or give you a bed to sleep on, but a mothes makes a place for you a mothes sees the deepest, trust you and treats you loke you already that person. A mother cares about hurts and fears but also your dreams and successes , she is a cheerleader,a coach, a trainer and a fan all at the same time.

Let's think about pain our mother's go through when giving birth to us: labour pain is one of the most severe pains which has ever evaluated and it's fear is one of the reason women wouldn't go for natural delivery, considering different factors which affect experiencing pain.

Have you ever asked women if they forget the pain of giving birth; women who experience traumatic births and who are unable to hold their babies immediately after the birth may miss out on this 'HALO' effect. Though they will still experience the rush of love and hormones upon holding their baby for the first time , the delay can reduce the impact this hug on their overall feelings about and memory of labour birth.


10 Things Every mother Wants For Her Children:

1): Emotional Health; if our children have a strong emotional foundation they will better weather the ups and downs of life.

2): Physical Health; Robust health should be appreciated amd protected.

3): Spiritual Health; An active faith gives a child a framework for loving themselves and others. It gives them a blueprint for living.

4): Passion for Learning; mothers inspire their children to explore the world.

5): Good Friends; Just one good friend can make all of the differience.

6): Joy; Mothers teach their children that the wellspring of joy doesn't flow from circumstances.

7): Purpose; It's helping our children know they have great and helping them channel that value into a reason for living.

8): Wisdom; Wisdom will allow our children to consider days of their lives.

9): Hope; Hope will see our children through the dark days of their lives.

10): Love; The be-all-end-all to learn to love and be loved, truly, unselfishly and lavishly.

Some of you might not have your own children. But you are stoll a mother . you have a GOD given ability to comport,nurture and see. You have permission to use those abilities, some of you have children and you feel completely inadequate and may be at the end of youe rope, be filled with the spirit and let him lead you in mothering your little ones. Some of you have lost a mother.

Motherhood is a sacred mystery, it transcends biological limitations it is a gift,a calling, an honor.