walking in schizophrenic shoes for the day.
In a few moments I will be putting on a pair of headphones and slipping into what I am assuming is pretty much going to be hell for the next few hours while attempting to go about my daily routine.

I will be listening to simulations of auditory hallucinations created by mental health organisations and schizophrenia sufferers in order to better understand what my sister and many people like her have to deal with on a daily basis.
I will try to make some videos sharing the experience as I go along so if you have any questions you would like me to answer along the way feel free to leave a comment. I will also be in and out of steemit chat so feel free to message me and help me test my ability to have real-time conversations, solve simple problems etc. ( I will be AFK for the first hour or so as that's housework time.)
wish me luck and
see you on the other side.
(image from pixabay)
That sounds like an incredible tool to garner understanding.
it is I have a much better understanding now.
That would be pretty intense I guess!
it is very intense, it's taking a lot of will power not to quit. I wanted to make it stop about 3 minutes in.
I have a buddy who's schizophrenic and I often have asked him how exactly it manifests itself within his day to day. His reply is normally something along the lines of "It's anywhere between a whisper to a roar in my head depending on the day".
The only time I've ever heard auditory hallucinations I was experimenting with LSD and such.. It was super weird! Couldn't imagine it when I was sober.
that's pretty much what these tracks are doing, all the voices are talking over each other as well as random sounds.
we all have auditory hallucinations to a mall extent, usually just hearing someone say your name or a loved one talking as your dropping off to sleep.
I guess I can agree with you there.
I used to live in an apartment block and every so often you'd hear someone "going at it" and would drown it out. Although I often wondered if every time it was infact some external noise and not my own mind making the noises.
Ahhhh.... WOW, you are braver than I.
Then again, I have enough voices in my head already - but fortunate enough to know how to hush them...or purge them (usually in the form of a story). I think it's fantastic that you are trying to get a true sense of what your sister is going through. I love you all the more for that.
yeah those voices aren't too bad. good luck with your word count today.