What is the quickest way to piss me off? Say these words and....💀
I may only have one year of teaching under my belt, but let me tell you...... there is NOTHING worse than reminding a teacher of school during summer break!
I am serious!! I was walking through TJMaxx the other day and I saw a rack of bookbags..... BOOKBAGS!!! It is only JULY! C'mon people, I still have one month left before I need to think about crap like that....


Don't get me wrong, I love what I do.
However, I EARNED these 10 weeks of break-- teaching is one of the most draining, life-sucking, and demanding professions out there. I REFUSE to lesson plan, shop for my classroom, or even pinterest impossible-but-cute DIY teaching stuff until at least August 1st.




Back to binge watching "Friends" on Netflix and eating my weight in junk food.
I am not proud of myself.... I told myself back in May that I refused to do anything over summer break. I wasn't going to think about work at ALL! Unfortunately, my defiance has just resulted in me sleeping all day, complaining about being bored but then not having enough energy to do anything about it. It is the worsttttt.

I was so idealistic!!! I was going to catch up on reading ACTUAL books, not just the ones that go with my curriculum. I was going to hike and travel. I was going to tan at the beach and day drink... yeah... not all of that has happened. But I am happy to say that many things have been going my way this summer. First and foremost, my sister-in-law is about to give birth to her first child - Lil' Stacy Mars 💫 . My husband and I interviewed for his permanent residency and he recieved his green card! 💚 So this summer is far from uneventful....
** Besides, I still have....
....But who's counting, right?
Click here for the live countdown!
Until then,
Remember to follow, upvote, comment, share and stay petty,
☾ - PettyWap - ☀

☾ - PettyWap - ☀
being a teacher must be really really hard... Good luck next year.
Thanks! There is a steep learning curve, I hope it all pays off!!!
nice pls follow and upvote for me daily and i also do upvote for you daily
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