Willing enslavement, aka, Stockholm syndrome

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

A recent comment on a post regarding two Standing Rock protesters getting jail time:

"The oil must flow or our world collapses no one eats billions suffer. Theres no way out of this until its all gone and then the world collapses. You have to know this right? This isnt a matter of freedom. The current cost of energy is one barrel of oil to extract and deliver five barrels from the earth but it must flow. Yes people are getting rich but the rest of us get to live and eat and cloth ourselves. How can anyone try to stand in the way of that? Currently I live in a town to small for gainly employment and the nearest job is thirty miles away. Without oil people will die off as sure as a volcano or an asteroid. You cant stand in the way of that."

Nopers. This is enslaved thinking.

We can source our energy needs through sun, wind, water--all clean and no comparison to the dirtiness in production, use and waste of oil, coal, nukes.

We can all start using a skill or learning a skill that can be shared. If you're gardening, plant a little extra for the deer and your neighbors. The less money we use, the less power they have. The more we use our money locally, the more power we have. Eventually, we can say we produce enough for each other and won't need their money system. A system which has always created an economically classed when it was never necessary. It's a system that appeals to our selfishness instead of our generosity.
