"wait, you've never had your heart broken?"

Do you feel a certain way when you hear people say things like "oh, not me, I never really had my heart broken before." Really? You know I never thought such people still roam this planet with their hearts intact, spotless and blameless. The first time I heard someone say such a thing was on television. A certain pop-star was being interviewed. When asked if she had ever been heartbroken, she shrugged and gave a resounding no, with a confused look on her face like she never knew should a thing existed.
I'm not totally disputing the fact that some people have never truly experienced the emotional pain of losing their lover(s) repeatedly. I've heard stories about those very rare cases where people fall right into the arms of their soulmate ( I hate that word), never having to separate; those very lucky people who do not know what it means to have a new person in your bed every six months. Many of us aren't so fortunate.
In my case my heart has been used for many things, like target practice, soccer ball, a toilet-brush, you just name it. I could have sworn that I didn't possess, within these rib cages, a heart susceptible to pain, but just the other day I caught myself shedding invisible tears after Mohammed Sallah walked off the pitch due to injury in the championship's league finals.
If you've never had your heart cracked before then that's great. By all means possible avoid any form of emotional entanglement and the sharp pain that has decapitated many and changed their lives forever. Spooky right? One minute you're in love and out of your mind and the next minute you find yourself in a loony bin, broken beyond repairs. Sounds dramatic but many are roaming the street emotionally sick, fighting depression because they chose to love someone with all their heart.
For those who have gone through the painful process of healing and survived, kudos to you. I hope you've learned something from that bittersweet experience you swore will never happen again. Well, you see life has a funny way of dealing with us by turning our own words against us. But hey, I'm not going to ruin the fun for you, just watch. Time will tell.
For the persons in the process of recovering from a heartbreak, I want to promise you that it will get better. I lost my teenage sweetheart to a poorly written letter, which, looking at it now, was simply a cry for help. Four years down the line I'm laughing about it, something that had me suicidal.
Finally, for those who don't know how to shake that feeling of regret and despise; those stuck in an emotional mess, I empathize with you. I won't start by telling you that things will get better because that was the last thing I wanted to hear when my heart was damaged beyond repair. First of all, your pain is present and valid. There is nothing wrong about the way you feel. But talk about it at least, even cry about it to someone if you want but don't just let it sit there in your heart. Do something with/about the pain. I wrote about mine.
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I think we all know about that issue, at some point our hearts have broken, but we all associate it in our sentimental lives, I think we can also get disappointments in many areas of our lives, in the workplace, in the economy and in Other things, sometimes we put so much effort into the different tasks of our lives and if we do not receive what we expect and what we have worked so hard for, our hearts receive great pain and disappointment at not seeing the objective achieved.
Valid point. Thanks for your commet. I appreciate.
You love, forgive and go foward...
True John. Thanks for commenting.