Riding The River Trail
A few weeks ago I bought a Bicycle in an attempt to get into better shape. I have been going for regular rides at night after I get home from work. Tonight I went for a ride on the Lansing River Trail. Lansing, Michigan is well known for its trail system, and I thought you might enjoy seeing what it looks like first hand. Keep in mind this is only a small section of the trail, but it is still really cool to see!
Enjoy the pictures!

This is a map of the entire Lansing Trail system, you can see it connects a lot of the city.
This is the Eckart Station, the three towers are called "Winkin, Blinkin, and Nod"
The majority of the trail goes a long the river.
The trail is like a long park through the city.
It goes under bridges...
And it goes over them too!
There are a lot of little parks along the way.

There are signs telling you where to go.
There are places to fish.
There are places to get off the trail.
I just like this spot.
There are signs called the "Planet Walk" with the different planets spaced out relative to their distance from each other in space...
How cool is this?
Here is another of the Planet walk signs by a river access point.
Downtown the veiw changes...
As you can see, the city is pretty cool looking too!
This is an older power plant that was turned into offices.
Right up there is where I get off to go home.
I hope you enjoyed seeing these pictures from the Lansing River Trail. If you ever have a chance to come to Lansing, Michigan, make sure to make time to see it yourself!