Snake Diet 🐍 UPDATE... 12 hrs in...

in #blog6 years ago

At 12hrs on the snake diet... I was up all night shitting my brains out. I forgot to mention that my last meal was a big one. I had an egg, bean, and cheese quesadilla with sour cream and guacamole and almost a whole bag of extreme cheese goldfish plus I did my nightly regimen of Ayurveda laxatives because I regularly have such bad digestion. I guess I didn’t need it. I stayed up after my bouts of shitting to watch a couple movies because I couldn’t sleep. I am noting I may need melatonin for tonight’s rest. I have decided to go off all of my meds as well as I believe so much of my mood and body issues arise from them... my intuition has told me for some time but I feared the side effects. I have tried a few times in the past only to have horrible side effects. For several reasons this way seems the quickest in clearing all the chemicals from my body. I am fully aware this may be a difficult road. That is why I am journaling. I see this as a new beginning. A new way of life. I just came off a relapse of alcohol after 2 years clean after having horrible news concerning my daughter on top of extreme spiritual bypass and taking on too many clients energy and not cutting cords. It all caved in, I picked up drank, gained 10 pounds in a month, fell into major depression and dependance and needed alcohol to get through the night within a week…and was in a detox just a couple weeks after... I’m THAT bad when I’m that bad. I’ve come to far to stay down when I’m down these days though, I love life and I have a purpose. So what do I do when I fall down these days? I pick my ass back up and start fresh and get my poop in a group (minus last night lol) and make plans... I believe it is plans and action help you not stay sick. All that other stuff helps as well but once you know how you tick, you don’t need others to tell you what to know to tune in and listen to your inner voice and get to it. I’m excited for my new journey... I’m headed to Costa Rica soon to do some major work... this is my way to get the ball rolling... thanks for joining me on my journey! Namaste 🙏❤️

Update coming soon...
those of you curious to see the first post

Image free from @Peka at Pixabay

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Too much of the snake juice can make you shit. I did 23days (no food, snake juice.), blessings))).