Camp this weekend..Family weekend (Ontario)
It was a beautiful morning waking up at the trailer. Ice huts on the lake. The sun so bright. I'm glad I went out and spent the night in my trailer. :)
I arrive 10 pm at night. Turned on some heat. Turned on some music. Had some drinks and enjoyed my time alone.
I used propane to keep myself warm. It was -7 overnight.
Arriving at night, I only saw lights. Woke up to see where those lights came from, the ice huts.
I love my trailer. The best $1000 I've ever spent!
I can't wait until I can start going every weekend.
I had brunch with family on family day. Yum! eggs baked with potato, onion, peppers, peas, and turkey. :)
I can't wait to spend time with family again :)