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What do you prefer Pepsi or Coke and why?
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It's hard to choose because the two drinks I love. Pepsi and Coca Cola have a common history, big brands and rivals, these sugary drinks have a difference, we would say almost mystical. For example, it is as if we had to choose between a Mercedes car or a BMW, ha ha, difficult to choose, but surely we will find a difference, which really allows me to choose one. but today I choose Coca.cola for health. since its nutritional value is less than Pepsi that has more excesses. You made it difficult hahaha, but thanks for sharing such a fun post. I send you a big hug of support.
Winner winner chicken dinner!!!!
Both colas are bad for me now, because I have kidney failure but back in the day, I'd prefer Coca-Cola because they have that pop that really pleases my tastebuds and give them a zest of life, if you know what I mean. I'm pretty sure I can tell which is which in a blind test. I do not have an idea of the nutritional facts of the two but I know they are both bad for me now because they are highly acidic and caffeinated. They have 3 acidic components like citric acid, phosphoric acid and carbonic acid, so my doctor told me, if I can't help it not to drink colas, I should go for Sprite instead because the absence of color means it does not have phosphoric acid, thus less acidic. Also, I have observed that when they are left open in room temperature, Pepsi loses it's pop fast but Coke still has it and I think that's how soda should be, it should have that taste that enliven your tastebuds. Lastly, with branding, Coke wins. They have less brand logo modifications, which to me means, they are in the lead and unthreatened and does not need a revamp and also they make the best tag lines like, "nothing beats the real thing," and, "taste the feeling." On the other hand, Pepsi has... nothing, sorry but I don't recall a single Pepsi slogan and I'm an adult. Therefore, Coca-Cola is winning by miles in this soda war!
actually it's depend on what are you looking for ,per 7.5 oz
♢pepsi has more caffeine:24 mg vs.21mg in coke
♢coke has fewer calories:90 calories vs.100 calories in pepsi .
♢pepsi has less sodium:20 mg vs 30 mg in coke.pepsi seems especially proud about this,and market "very low sodium"
♢coke has less sugar: 25 g vs 26 g pepsi.
☆So Pepsi is sweeter !!
Resteem done
I prefer Pepsi and here are the reasons
Pepsi is sweeter than Coke, so right away it had a big advantage in a sip test. Pepsi is also characterized by a citrusy flavor burst, unlike the more raisiny-vanilla taste of Coke.
Turning to nutritional content, Pepsi has slightly more sugar, calories, and caffeine. Coke has slightly more sodium.
But coke is winning the cola war cause of the branding
There's a poem. When facing little and bigger evil, choose none. This is my answer. I chose none of them. Water is my drink
I've always liked Coke and I prefer to buy that whenever I buy a soda. - It has always been Coke for me. The funny thing is that whenever I want a coke, if I'm at a restaurant or whatever, and they don't serve coke.. They offer me a pepsi instead. And that pepsi is delicious! - I've probably never bought a Pepsi in my life from a grocery store, but they taste awesome and I should probably drink it more often.
Perhaps people are more in to Coke just because of the fact that coke had real cocaine in it ages ago.. Kind of like cigarettes. I know that some people are smoking Marlboro because of the myth about KKK and people believe Marlboro is a brand by KKK originally?. (I can give you more examples of this further on if you're interested.) - Or, perhaps it's just a coincidence like so many other things in life. People buy whatever they prefer, but most of the people probably don't even know why they prefer one thing more than the other
Coke is the Best! Pepsi is too sweet, with a bubble gum like aftertaste. Coca-Cola is sugary, crisp, zingy, and fantastic.
I prefer Coca-Cola over Pepsi because there is some ingredient in Pepsi which smells like pine sol to me. I don't know about you, but I don't make it a habit to drink cleaning solutions. It just creeps me out to smell PineSol when I'm about to take a drink.
resteem done
Coca Cola, obviously.
Introduced back in 1886. Pepsi came later.
Not only is the sugar content of Pepsi higher (albeit by a relatively small amount) but the actual "cola" flavor is less when it comes to actually tasting it. In fairness however both Coke and Pepsi are trumped by Mexican Coke which is made with real sugar instead of HFCS and carries with it a significant amount more "cola" flavor.
Pepsi simply tastes weird, as if it's a copy-cat gone wrong. No idea how they're still in business. Coca-cola tastes far superior. No doubt about it. I can barely have more than a few sips of Pepsi before I gag, it's just too weird for me. Coca-cola on the other hand, I can chug and is very enjoyable for quenching my thirst.
resteem done
Coca-Cola I dont like the taste of Pepsi :)
i love coke
because in my area there is only coke
Pepsi does not exist in my area.
I have not enjoyed pepsi