You “Must Stash” your Cash (Resources for the Future)

in #blog8 years ago (edited)


See what I did there? Perhaps not everything – if you didn't also read my previous blog post here on Steemit -Ketchup.


I touched briefly on the concept of Delayed Gratification. One community member commented “Delayed gratification is one of the fundamental principles of success in the universe.” - @creatr

It is certainly one here on earth, and more commonly ignored than slowing through a Yield Sign. We want what we want, and we want it NOW. Case in point, I just witnessed the opposite effect of this principle by a 21 year old young man. He works hard, quite pleasant & friendly, up beat – He “Shot himself in the Face Today”. (Not with a 'Gun' – see the end of my previous post) He bought a Brand New Car! Oh, how I wished I could have spoken to him before this decisions. Just $500 Dollars Down , 6 years of payments at $230/Month … Oh but here's the SHOCKER ...His short driving record is none-to-good. The call to the insurance agency (actually 3 agents) quoted him a price in the area of $400/Month for full coverage – for 6 years! It's a sporty model that will certainly turn a girls head, it spun this old man's head around (not at the car) .. at the Math. In essence he just agreed to a $45,360 decision (on a whim) in a day, of a very long life of DEBT.

What are the different ways to think about debt?


People have become too complacent about debt – replace the picture of debt with the picture of one running around with their hair on fire! Picture your self with the weight of a “crushing load 5X the weight of your physical body”, day in and day out. Do you feel stressed or burdened? You Should.


I wanted to address a comment from my Introduction Post here on Steemit by a user @kus-knee who wrote to me in the comments section “Interesting first post. Part two?” Here's part-of-part two:

If you have a $50,000 take-home pay but are in the habit of living on $25,000 and investing the rest, that will put you ahead by about $350,000 every 10 years after compounding interest in a basic index fund.

There’s a compelling logical, psychological and philosophical case for why living a simpler, less materialistic life makes us happier as humans. Far from being a sacrifice, spending less and saving more is actually an incredible life-boosting experience. I hope you find it with me through these posts and articles here on Steemit. I welcome you to the journey, as you have welcomed me to the community.

I leave you with this thought, “Regardless of what you do, it’s better if you don’t need the money.”

Harry Potter Formula for Success: There is None!


Wow so cool that you found your way here to Steemit @moneymustacheman. Best of luck to you here! I've read your blog many times and enjoy the content you put up. Can't wait to see more of your posts here!

I believe being here will soon become a rewarding pastime, I try to put Steemit on my last- to-do list currently, in order to prioritize living a full retired lifestyle. If I stay home and write all day, I’ll quickly run out of fun things and frugality lessons in life to write about. Thank you for stopping by.

I enjoyed your post HERE I would encourage you to write more content like this Post. As I wrote to @mithrilweed "Thank you @mithrilweed, I believe I will enjoy it here. May all of you endeavors be met with Immediate Success - or a Hasty Retreat! - Me [though I am certainly no Albert Einstien] ;) "

Thanks for the kind words! I kinda do half and half of personal finance and the specifics of investing. Glad you enjoyed the post. I'm following you now.

Have you mentioned Steemit to your followers on your main page yet? This platform is still in it's infancy and the potential is huge, we just need to get he word out to lots of people.

Question for you, would you be interested in doing and exclusive Steemit interview with me that I could post here and me and you split the rewards? Doesn't have to be super long, but I would be thrilled to interview you if you're interested and I know that users here will benefit from your sound advice and personal financial experience in an interview format. Let me know! :)

You say things everyone understands. We do not have money as much as you say. I will start following you now because I enjoy your words.