I came across an interesting piece that explains the concept of corporatism and how they are established and wanted to share it and give some of my thoughts on it as i feel these are serious issues.
I am not a fan of the so-called "too big to fail institutions" and the stranglehold that they have on their respective market, companies such as Nestle have been under increased scrutiny lately with the former CEO Peter Brabeck-Letmathe saying "water is not a human right and that it should be privatised and controlled" and i beleive that the scrutiny is deserved because Nestle have a history of putting profits before people which i believe is almost psychotic.
What Nestle do is just a drop in the ocean in my opinion, allowing industry giants to gain influence in the political arenas through their lobbying techniques is worrying because it seems that today everything and everyone has a price which leads to it being just a matter of time before the industry leaders are also the leaders of nations.
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Something not talked about enough!
Whats next, corporations taking over the role of nation-states?
I agree it most definitely is not talked about enough.