Show Me Your Passion! Get A Chance For A 100% Upvote!

in #blog7 years ago

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Sometimes it's hard to get the attention to valuable contributions on Steemit.
I am trying to follow Steemains I found interesting but even then I am missing often great posts or they are going down in my feed. I know that I could look with more effort, but when I am writing I totally forget it.

Some of you shared already in the comment section some posts they made and found it could be matching to one of my posts. I really like that because then I definitely know about your contribution.

That's why I am doing this here:

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We all have a passion for something and mostly we are writing about that here on our blog.
Show me this passion if you want. Share your link in the comment section and describe in 1-2 sentences what your contribution is about.

One of the shared links will get a 100% upvote from me.

Please be aware of following things:

I am not promising to read every post. No, that's why I said to describe your post in 1-2 sentences. I will look through it and what I​ find interesting I will read.

You can share what you want about every topic, make sure that your passion is visible.

Everyone can join. :)

I am hoping to see new exciting content here.

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Hallo Reinhold,

Meine Leidenschaft sind zwei Dinge: erstens das Malen und alles was mit visueller Gestaltung zu tun hat. Mein Traum ist es zum professionellen Maler zu schaffen, auch wenn meine Familie das nicht unbedingt so toll findet. Mir egal, es ist meine Leidenschaft und ich will dahin.

Zweitens gilt meine Leidemschaft, der Gründung, Planung und Durchführung von Charity- oder Sozialprojekten. Auch hier steh ich noch am Anfang, aber ich bin überzeugt, dass ich dahin gelange und was bewegen kann.

Neben dem Glauben an sich selbst, braucht man natürlich immer etwas Unterstützung. Es würde mich also freuen die Deine zu erhalten. LG Martin

Der hier ist auch richtig gut.
Viel Glück @art-universe!

Danke @infinityroad :-)

This is my story "a story like no other" the essentials are based on its writing style : real-dramatic-emotionally trajic


a very interesting post, can give spirit to others,
in steemit we are sharing, mutual respect, mutual understanding with each other.
I really like your writing.
hopefully the future will be much better

Amen brother. Just want to share this wonderful hymn about how our Lord Jesus loves us so intimately and deeply that He died for us sinners. Praise the Lord forever and forever!

One of my passions - which happily is also my professional job - is science. I think the reason is that even as it's sometimes hard and boring for weeks, there are moments when you see something or connect some dots that no other human being has seen or thought before. Then you're amazed. (then it get's boring again, but that's a different story)
So it's all about amazement. This week I wrote about something that really amazed me, even though for once it was not scientific:
These guys grow delicious mushrooms out of coffee waste. Great amazing idea.

Love the thought behind this post. Interestingly enough I wrote my introduction post today that is basically me describing my passion for creating sports content and my mission here on Steemit.

Hey Pastor! What a great initiative! Opportunity to get new eyes on our content should never be overlooked!

Allow me to share with you what I spend most of my Steem time doing. I have a semi-regular series of posts called "The Fresh Five". As often as I am able (3-4 time a week) I comb the #introduceyourself tag and find five brand new Steemians whose post speaks to me in some way. I then introduce them with links to their posts in my Fresh 5 post. I think engaging with new Steemians and showing them that this community really is great is how we build retention and really grow the platform. I would be honored if you and some of your followers would come over and take a look. Here is the latest edition. (Sorry, that was like, five sentences)

passion moves the world. without passion there would be no discoveries, no victories..
... Passion is always expressed in the concentration, concentration of thoughts and forces, their focus on a single goal.

Like I said in a prevoius comment, I'm very much into running and I try to do my runs in interesting places and enjoy the views. This post is about one of my recent runs with some views over the city I live in. esteem://running/@calatorulmiop/saturday-s-morning-run-running-adventures-ep-13-back-on-track-kind-of
If the link doesn't work I'll send it again when I get home. This link is from the esteem app.

waooo worthy offer.
my post about Managed "Sports promotional Activites" in rural and Backward areas.