Morning Runs

in #blog7 years ago


Everyone knows a go-getter. They are those people who shoot you an idea in the morning and while you are still trying to consider if it’s a good idea or not, you see them in the afternoon already doing what they said. These people are very enthusiastic about things, maybe a tad too enthusiastic. Bukky is like that.

You see, some weeks ago she mentioned that she wanted to start morning runs (apparently, keeping fit is important to her), and I retorted that I am seriously considering doing that too. I use that line a lot. I have been using it for 3 or so years. Unfortunately for me, Bukky is a go-getter. A couple of weeks after the discussion, she had already purchased running shoes and other gear. I was still seriously considering the issue.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not a slacker or anything like that. I actually enjoy exercising and all that, but years of a regular job have pushed all that to the back seat…actually, the trunk. See what I did there? I blamed my job. Don’t judge me. For those who don’t get it, my job is a good source of excuses, and I like it.
Ememesi, we didn’t see you at the book launch. Ah, you know how it is. Working always. How was it?
Mesi, we have this meeting for…. Oh I wish I could make it. I’ll be at work.
Mesi so you can’t call me back after all this time? My dear, it’s work o.

You’d think that trick would work with go-getters? You are wrong. I dropped by her place on Sunday and we were casually watching The Voice when she commented on the running thing. You see, she had already been running for a few days and I responded with ‘Really? You should call me the next time you are going.’
I really thought she would forget and do her own thing like most people. I was wrong, again. Two days later, I was still wallowing in the lingering throes of early morning sleep like a man on a diet who had convinced himself that he needed another wrap of akpu. You know that kind of sleep where you are trying hard to push away every sound that’s trying to wake you up. I was doing quite well till someone started banging on my gate.
I stumbled out of bed and heard Bukkie’s voice.

The next few minutes were a blur, really. I opened door and gate and she got busy opening windows and blinds and talking me awake. I threw on some cargo shorts and a shirt and before I could say Usain Bolt, we were out the door and on our way.

I did a little stretching when we got to Jabi Lake, then off we went. You think exercising is easy. Wait till you do a few laps around that Jabi Lake place. Then follow it up with lap sprints for 20 minutes or so. Then sit ups. Finally, add some planking. Whoever started that planking business is not holy. I can tell you that. I was shaking like a kabu kabu whose driver was trying to push its 60 kmph speed limit.
It’s been two days since all that and I’m glad I went. I think I’ll pop by during the weekend and repeat it all, including the planking. I will plank on that park bench and shake in all my kabu kabu glory. All in all, I am grateful for having a go-getter around. If like me, you have been planning to begin running or any kind of exercise, get a go-getter. They are great people.

Side note: if I ever declined a massage from you because I was too busy with work, I am sorry. I need that massage now…everything hurts.


Hi @mesi ! Great post, i like it, i just upvoted it ! PS: you may like to follow me ... @legsnheels

Thank you Legsy. I appreciate it.

welcome to the club, mesi

Thanks a lot Lopez. I hope it would be fun.