Keep Your Testosterone In Check.

in #blog8 years ago (edited)

Keep Your Testosterone In Check

This is not only for bodybuilders or people working out. Although if you want to gain muscle and be stronger and fitter. Testosterone is probably the main hormone when it comes down to muscle building. Every man and women in general can really benefits of keeping the testosteron level in check. So here's some info from Wikipedia:

"Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone and an anabolic steroid. In men, testosterone plays a key role in the development of male reproductive tissues such as the testis and prostate, as well as promoting secondary sexual characteristics such as increased muscle and bone mass, and the growth of body hair. In addition, testosterone is essential for health and well-being, and for the prevention of osteoporosis. Insufficient levels of testosterone in men may lead to abnormalities including frailty and bone loss"


Health benefits

I'm gonna keep it plane and simple. The are so much benefits here are fiew.
These apply also for women.

  • Deppresion problems are a common problem in western society. According to a studie it tell us, that depressed man often have a low testosteron level.

  • High Cholestorol often goes together with a low testosteron.

  • Improved memory and concentration.

  • (Higher) testosteron results in a healthy libido.

  • Stronger hart, testosteron improves the muscles therefore also the hart.

  • More energy.

So How To Boost Your Testosteron Naturally?

It's no rocket science and I think it speaks for it self. Remember this is not about looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger. The focus is staying healthy and feeling good.

  • Lose fat

"If you're overweight, shedding the excess pounds may increase your testosterone levels, according to research presented at the Endocrine Society's 2012 meeting. Overweight men are more likely to have low testosterone levels to begin with, so
this is an important trick to increase your body's testosterone production when you need it most"

  • Don't work out for to long
    A 20 minute cardio work out is enough, to boost your testosteron level. And that includes a warming up and cooling down! For more specifics you can read here.

  • Zinc

Your zinc intake must be properly. Of course you have to eat the proper stuf.
No Mac Donals but that's why I said It speaks for itself

  • Strenght training
    Same principal as a cardio work there is no need for hours in the gym.
    Compound excercises are a great way to boost up your testosteron.

  • Reduce stress
    It's easier said then done but try to reduce stress. To keep it short. Stress is testosterone enemy nr 1. Your body under stress releases the stress hormone cortisol. That will decreases the produce of testosterone.

  • Vitamin D
    As you maybe will know sunlight is the best way to optimize your vitamine D level. Here in The Netherlands in the winter it's almost imposible. Then it comes down to proper food or supplements. But in the summer it's a easy way to get your portion of vitamin D.

  • Healthy fats
    Don't get spooked there are healthy fats, for example, fish, coconut oil,peanut butter etc. For more read here.


My View On Boosting Your Testosterone

Get up get out and get it. Challenge yourself go on date. Try some new sports. Do crazy things as long if you not hurting anybody have fun, who cares? Eat healthy and don't grow up.

Peace n Bless


Image Source: 1, 2, 3


Glad to see you mentioned females need it too, this is a subject of relevance for everyone. Good article! Sharing!

Thanks for reading! Yes women should be aware of this to. Big appreciation for resteeming!

Being in steemit is wonderful indeed, apparently i am going to learn a lot here. Thanks for sharing @markush

Thanks for reading and following! Follow you back.

good article buddy ! thanks for sharing ! upped and resteemed.

Thank YOU my friend For reading and resteeming. Means a lot bro. Appreciated!

You're welcome bro, that's we are here, to help each other !

Nice post, good job. Testosterone is a multi faceted hormone!

To be honest I did something(but what?) that totally messed my post up. It centerd everything:S But the info is the same. Thanks for reading!

Did you write it using markdown? or the editor? If you used markdown and centered a picture with <center_> (i added a _ to the command so you can see it) then you forgot to close it after the image link with a </center_> (again the _ would need removed).

If you did't close the centering, then everything will be centered until you add the command.

Mark down.... everything which I put a *dot before wasn't the plan to be centerd. It's looks not neat like this. Thanks for your reply! Im goint to look for it right away

If you are on I can help you edit it

Thanks for your help but I lost my personal logincode for the chat.