in #blog8 years ago

Hi everyone! I am Emily from Hong Kong! Nice to meet you all here!

Approaching the end of what has been an amazingly special chapter in my life: living abroad in my birthplace Hong Kong for a total of six and a half years! This experience has changed, challenged and developed me and I am no longer quite the same person I was when I arrived. It has been without a doubt, the best thing that has ever happened to me so far. The experiences and memories I have from this city, I will always treasure.

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I was raised in sunny and quiet Singapore, a small country in Southeast Asia, as a child of Hong Kong immigrants, spending my childhood and teenage years growing up there. Life then took a turn and led me to vibrant and indescribable Hong Kong, a small city in East Asia, where I spent six and a half years of my young adult life. Two wonderful Asian cities, that despite the constant comparisons and certain similarities, are as different as can be.

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There is a constant flow of people coming in and out of Hong Kong, and even as I take my exit, I imagine the many new beginnings of others that will be taking place here. I remember mine clearly because it was my dream come true when I got the chance to come to Hong Kong. Everyone’s experience is different, so I only speak for myself. During my six and a half years here, I am proud to say that I have truly tried to the best of my ability, to immerse myself into life here and to try to understand and see Hong Kong for what it is. Both on its own terms and on the terms of the people who call this city home, locals and non-locals. It’s been eye opening.

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Hong Kong is not the easiest city to move to, and my early years here were very challenging but exciting. As I settled in, I explored the city and met new people, pursued my education and job opportunities, adopted homes, hangouts and neighbourhoods for myself – writing a brand new chapter in this city, all mine.

During my time living in Hong Kong, I did think that I would stay in Hong Kong for an extended period of time, but knew that my intention was not to settle down here permanently. It’s a little earlier than I expected, but it turns out that summer 2017 is going to be the end of this Hong Kong journey. I already know that I’m going to miss so much of this city, but despite that, I also want to look forward to starting my next chapter.

That next chapter is taking place in my first home: Singapore! I am moving to Singapore! The idea of starting again makes be both excited and a little jittery. I guess the big question is “why?”. Big decisions tend to come with many reasons behind them, don’t they? I’ll share the biggest one: I am moving to Singapore to pursue new career opportunities, in an industry that I am genuinely excited about!

As for City Girl, City Stories, this blog will stay as my hobby and journal and I will continue to update with new adventures as I explore Singapore. However much of your time you take out of your day to drop by here, thank you for reading as I shared my city stories in Hong Kong over the past few years. :)

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Thank you for everything Hong Kong, this city and the great people I have met and known will always be special to me. Now, it’s time for new beginnings and new stories to be written. See you soon, Singapore.


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I welcome you warmly !

Exlentes photos friend good post