Recommend For Me A Book Please :) - I Will Send 10$ In Steem If I Like It.

in #blog8 years ago (edited)

This post do not have expiration, i will send 10$ whenever someone recommend for me a book and after reading it i decide that it's worth it.

In what books i am interested?

I am looking for wise authors who are trying to hack system, for example moving your business offshore to pay less taxes, well it's just an example i know allot about offshore, but i am really interested in authors who are trying to hack the matrix.

Also i enjoy reading Orwell, Houxley, Machiavelli, Ayn Rand and something similar will be appreciated!

I am feeling that i already read what is really good, can you help me out?

Well i think that at least 1 of my followers read hundreds of books and know what i want.

Win Win, recommend a book get 10$ and make me smarter, then i will write better content too :D and be more valuable for you.



Shantaram Amazing read!!

It must be good, everyone keeps talking about it.

:)) yup! Loved this book! It makes you think about things in so many different ways, while also is a rather gripping story! I like your Barcelona post!

In the months following 9/11 I decided to start reading political books. A friend of mine told me to start with "A People's History of the United States" by Howard Zinn and "Manufacturing Consent" by Noam Chomsky. These two books changed my life forever. Everyone should read them.

If you like science, scifi, and have ever been a fan of MMO games or virtual reality I would really recommend AlterWorld from the Play to Live Series.

This is an amazing book, it wraps up quantum physics, alternate realities, advancing technology, and virtual games together.

It is translated from Russian to English and has a huge following in both languages.

Here is its Description on Amazon

"A new pandemic - the perma effect - has taken over Earth of the near future. Whenever you play your favorite online game, beware: your mind might merge with the virtual world and dump its comatose host. Woe be to those stuck forever in Tetris! And still they're the lucky ones compared to those burning alive eternally within the scorched hulls of tank simulators.
But some unfortunates - the handicapped and the terminally ill, shell-shocked army vets, wronged crime victims and other society misfits - choose to flee real life willingly, escaping to the limitless world of online sword and sorcery MMORPGs.
Once a seasoned gamer and now a terminal cancer patient, Max grasps at this final chance to preserve his life and identity. So he goes for it - goes for the promise of immortality shared with a few trusty friends and the woman he loves. Together they roam the roads of AlterWorld and sample its agony and ecstasy born of absolute freedom."

It doesn't sound that dark, but absolute freedom is something people can only attain with strength, and this book series explores the dark side of what would happen if a population was stuck in a video game cut off from any form of government.

Luckily the series is done now, when i first got into it there was only 3 titles, and I read through those in a day despite just buying the first one on a whim.

Please Enjoy! I hope you check out the book its definitely worth it, and definitely mind expanding.

The Holy Bible

An excellent book that I recommend is, The Creature From Jeykll Island" by Edward Griffin.
It is about the Federal Reserve Banking System, and how that scam was inflicted upon the world. It was written in 1994, but you can now see how his predictions are bang on.

My recommendation is about a story about a Wiley entrepreneur and bin vivant, who hacks the system so to speak, probably not using replicable methods for you and me. The book is My Uncle Oswald by roald Dahl

'The swerve' by Stephen greenblatt. You won't regret it.

How about "MetaGame" by Sam Lundstrom. Its about rebellion against the system and has connection to steemit.
You can read more about it here:
Its available as ebook on Amazon.

Margaret Atwood: "Oryx and Crake" the best dystopian near-future book I have ever read, plus it is book one of a trilogy. Atwood's previous dystopian thriller, "The Handmaid's Tale", is having a resurgence of popularity but compared to "Oryx " it seems dated and weak.

Ishmael by Daniel Quinn

Quinn's Ishmael series and Beyond Civilization are a must read for all Steemians.