Honest Venting May 8th, 2017

in #blog8 years ago

May 8, 2017

It's been a long time since I previously added to this documentary. That is because my Spring semester at college has been wrapping up, so I've been occupied. Lots has happened.

For me to talk about the drama that has occurred in my smoking group, I'm going to need to give a little bit of back story. This smoking group is the entire reason I have been introduced into the world of cannabis. Without them, I would'nt have made the risks required to experience it. I'm an otherwise very reserved and cautious person. After understanding the benefits of cannabis from their help, I branched out to my own personal use.

Our regular smoking group is comprised of four total people. We always meet up at Brock's house, because his parents know we smoke and are okay with it as long as we do not affect the other children in the house with it. This means waiting until everyone is asleep and eliminating any smell. I find it very reasonable. Ned is a long time friend of both Brock and I. We only recently found out he smoked, but we've all been tight since. Alex is the newest friend of all of us. I'm not entirely sure how we all met, but if I recall correctly, Brock and Alex had a class in high school together. Previously I mentioned Alex was the one who gave me my first cannabis smoking utensil. I've sinced moved on to using the "M" (more on that later).

I like Alex. Ned doesn't really like Alex, but Ned is happy to be a part of the group so he puts up with him. I'm pretty sure Brock likes Alex, but Alex has done some things to make us question how reliable of a person he is. Alex seems to default to lying a lot, and Ned has felt stolen from more than one time.

Recently it was Brock's birthday, so Brock Ned and I all pitched in to get about 13 grams of celabratory weed. Alex couldn't pitch in. Our plan was to have enough for the whole weekend and probably even longer. Ned and I considered it part of Brock's birthday present.

So that Friday, Brock's family leaves for the day and we start puffing on my "M". The M is a very efficient vape. A chamber is usually enough for two sessions by myself, depending on the quality of the flower. We all get to a good high while we wait for Alex to get home from work. Once he does, we still have a good amount of weed, because of how efficient the vape is.

Cut forward in time while a few teenagers have fun playing video games and whatnot. It's around night, and Alex invites his girlfriend over.

You know... I'm really not in the mood to talk about drama right now. Let's talk about my M.

My vape is so very cool. The entire design is comprised of stainless steel and rubber O-rings. It breaks in to three parts for easy cleaning. No electricity required, it all operates on heating the chamber to a specific temperature. Once the chamber is of the right temperature, the cap makes an audible and tacticle "click", for you to then stop heating it. Then you can cover the carb, which is a little hole on the top, and vape on your bud.

The flavor is very clear. You're not inahling smoke, and that's very evident. All your inahling are the vaporized essential oils in the cannabis. It's the cleanest way to medicate, and it requires almost no setup beforehand. I can put it in my pocket, go to the bathroom and vape without anyone the wiser. It smells a bit, but the scent isn't anywhere near the recognizable skunk smell, and it doesn't stick to things as much as smoke does.

And it gets me really high. Crazy high for the amount of material I use. I love almost everything about it, and if I ever have the urge to get another vape I will probably just save up for the more expensive version, the OmniVap.


Thank you :) please let me know if you have comments on how I can improve

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