Drawing and being a millionaire a reality in the world of Non Fungible Tokens (NFT)

In our childhood we usually fantasize about being successful people, we even idealize becoming multimillionaire adults, probably that is the common side that characterizes us in those early stages of our school age.
Before going into context, I would first like to share with you anecdotes from my childhood, I remember that I always liked to draw, as a child it was something I was so passionate about that I used to draw lines in my school notebooks.
In addition to my school notebooks, I also used to draw on the wall of my house, and I even painted drawings on my clothes, maybe the prints I made had a lot of value for me, but economically they meant nothing.

I wanted to share this brief account of my childhood and my passion for drawing, a little to exemplify how things have changed, and how by the Blockchain and its financial tools, they play an extremely important role for those life projects that we idealize crystallize.
The blockchain is revolutionizing everything, since children who today project their passion for drawing, can actually become millionaires, or at least hoard a good amount of money, by realizing a substantial sum of dollars or its equivalent in digital assets, by simply exposing their drawings on platforms that run under the modality of Non Fungible Tokens (NFT).
And this is not part of a fantasy, it is something that is already happening and if you have doubts about what I say, you can check the experience of the child Benyamin Ahmed, who recently earned almost 400,000 dollars during the school vacations by creating digital images of whales
Cases like that of the boy Benyamin Ahmed, are already becoming commonplace on the blockchain thanks to NFTs, as these types of works can be tokenized to create a digital certificate of ownership that can be sold in digital assets or their dollar equivalent.

➊ Taylor L This 12-year-old coder is set to earn over $400,000 after about 2 months selling NFTs. Link

The cover image was designed by the author: @lupafilotaxia, incorporating the public domain image background: Source / Author: Clker-Free-Vector-Images, 2012