Intelligent buildings, a new concept between social and technological aspects

There are certain advantages of living in buildings, this if we consider that living in an apartment in these concrete structures involves certain controls that provide greater security, this if we compare the reality and insecurity that is lived in residential areas.
Other factors to mention is that, in addition to the level of security, living in a building provides access to very busy common areas, namely; internet rooms, stores, swimming pools, gyms, playgrounds, restaurants, among other social recreation areas.
Now not everything is rosy, since living in buildings also involves some inconveniences, among which are the unavailability of elevators at peak hours, coexistence with neighbors who love the noise and love loud music, in addition it is unlikely that all neighbors are able to identify with each other.

In this sense, and somewhat to balance the disadvantages faced by people living in modern buildings, in recent years the concept of intelligent buildings has been incorporated, i.e. the use of technological advances to facilitate social interaction and coexistence.
The use of artificial intelligence has been proposed to improve social coexistence in buildings, which implies making use of technology to implement different functionalities that provide solutions to the common problems suffered by the people who live in these structures.
Among the different technological functionalities are cameras that detect people, as well as the entry of vehicles into parking lots, regulate the volume of music devices, balance the lighting in corridors, adjust the volume of water per unit or apartment.

➊ Serrano W iBuilding: Artificial Intelligence in Intelligent Buildings. Link

The cover image was designed by the author: @lupafilotaxia, incorporating the public domain image background: Source / Author: Mollyroselee, 2020