RobiniaSwap weekly financial data report - Issue 2

This post counts as the 2nd weekly report on the financial evolution of the RobiniaWsap platform, in order to keep informed all those interested in investing in this new DeFi project.
The cryptocurrency market in general has been making consecutive corrections, this behavior has impacted the native token of the RobiniaSwap project, this if we observe since the previous report RBS has retreated 30% to settle at $0.172.
The RBS market capitalization decreased over the last 7 days and today stands at $187,156, however, the total minted went from 1,204,843 to 1,305,848, the total burned was higher going from 150,014 to 219,379 with a pending bid of 1,086,469.

These setbacks currently experienced by the entire crypto market are normal, a very positive element is that a price rebound is expected in order to create conditions of financial stability.
In relation to the Total Value Locked (TVL) was located at $2,323,965.89, if you are interested in buying RBS or want more information about this interesting token follow this link to RobiniaSwap.

The cover image was designed by the author: @lupafilotaxia, incorporating image background: Source: