Ø30: Nearly a full month of daily blogging

Øutput 30
Well that went quick
They say that time travels fast when you're having fun, faster still, with a daily blog.
I wonder about the purpose of this. My Morning Øutput. What's the point of a daily blog? Am I offering enough value?
I don't post listicles with advice for how you can be happier or more successful if you follow these seven simple principles. I don't post hacks. I don't post in-depth essays. And I don't really give too much advice in any way at all. Maybe occasionally. Maybe I should do more?
But I do have fun.
And my life is passing so so quickly.
And I do like to take a daily word-photograph. I like to take a moment to stop and smell the roses as it were.
Should I keep smelling?
What I'm reading: London: The Biography and Deeper Than The Grave.
What I'm watching: Ninjak Vs The Valiant Universe Teaser
What I'm listening to: This MASSIVE writing playlist
A new story idea every single day.
Check out the previous ideas here
IDEA 132: Sleep Paralyse Me
I’ve had a lot of experience with sleep paralysis. It’s terrifying. Laying in bed, unable to move, panic-stricken as a creepy old hag in the shadows stands just out of sight.
If you don’t know what I’m talking about. Check this out - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_hag
But what if we were to flip the script?
You are the Night Hag, sort of. You’re not a hag at all. You’re just a woman from another dimension, trying to find someone to love her.
Profits made from this blog will go right into my ramen fund. Any more will go right into any future storytelling projects.
Oo oo ... go grab a free book!
I can't say what value others get from your daily blog. But I like to see the daily story idea. I don't always like the idea, but mostly I do. Some I want to see you expand in future (as you already know) and often the idea is enough - a short story in itself.
Thanks @kiwideb! :D