in #blog7 years ago (edited)

There are many ways to make money as a freelancer than just with traditional
marketplaces and securing projects through forums and communities.
Here Are Idea To Be A Freelancer:

Business Writing

Generally speaking, the more “business” oriented the writing (corporate newsletters, brochures,
proofreading, etc), the more money you can make.


This can be a great way to make extra money on the side. With resume and desktop publishing
software so plentiful, making great resumes and cover letters for others is actually pretty easy.
If you’re not sure of how chronological and functional resumes are put together, there are
literally hundreds of books on resumes and dozens of web sites that will show you the way. Job

seekers don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars for some big-time
company to do their resume. You can do it too….



Small companies, large companies, fan clubs, and community organizations often have internal
or subscriber-based newsletters. Do you have the software or writing chops to actually put one
together for them?

Web sites

Of course, many have gone from dead-tree newsletters to web sites. Web sites are easier to put
together than you think. Web-site creating software is plentiful (some of the better ones are
Adobe PageMill and Microsoft FrontPage).
Knowing a little HTML helps too (tons of books available at Barnes and Noble or Borders -
including the “Dummies” and “Idiots” series and a great book by Elizabeth Castro titled “HTML 4
For The World Wide Web”).

Brochures and Manuals

All companies, even small ones, have brochures, flyers, and other marketing materials that have
to be created and edited.

Greeting Cards

Yes, somebody has to write those poems and funny remarks you see when you open up those
cards. And the companies are more open to freelancers than you might think.

Editing, Copyediting, and Proofreading

Not everyone can write and edit. Since writing is all around us, text, text everywhere, we take it
for granted. We think everyone knows how to write, knows how to edit, is sure that the stuff
they’ve written is grammatically correct and makes sense and the words are spelled correctly.
That’s not always the case.
Small businesses often need help with editing and proofreading (including ads, if you think you
can think of some great ad ideas for them). Also don’t overlook magazines and newsletters.
Many editors look for freelance or temporary help when it comes to editing or proofreading.
Sites to check out:
Mediabistro (, and (

Op-Ed Pieces


Newspapers are always looking for people to write op-ed (opinion-editorial) pieces on various
topics. Start with your local paper. Many don’t pay (though some do), but I’m a firm believer in
writing for free, especially when you are first starting out, or even later when you want to get
something published. It’s a great way to get clips, get your name out there, and put some
impressive credits in your portfolio.
Check the editorial pages or the masthead of the newspaper for a contact name. Many want to
see the whole piece, though a few might want you to query first.

Become An Online Community Leader

There are many online communities, sites where people who share the same interests get
together to share information, chat, exchange information and links, learn new things about a particular topic (health, computers, music, movies, sex, politics, the latest episode of “Battlestar Galactica,” etc).
Many Online Communities Don’t Pay, But Three Of The Top Sites Pay Regularly
And Are Worth Checking Out:

About (

Recently bought my media giant Primedia, is one of the most visited sites on the web.
Community leaders share a percentage of the ad revenue generated by the site, which right now
is between $100-500 a month, sometimes more. But hurry! Topics that need to be covered are
going VERY quickly.

Terrashare (

Takes a slightly different track, telling their community leaders they will give them there own
web site for free, and the more visitors you get to visit your section/site, the more money you

To make more money from your writing, start to think a little differently. Sure, getting a regular
syndicated column in 100 newspapers or writing a best-selling novel are great goals. In the
meantime, make sure you can pay the rent. You might have to take other work at the same time
to make ends meet, but with a little flexibility, you can still call yourself a writer, learn the ropes,
and be a few steps closer to the writing career you want to have.


Ghostwriting is where you agree to give the client the credit for the work you have done, often
handing over the copyright as well. This gives the client full rights to use and profit from the
work as they want and even put there name to it. Some clients will give the author credit for
ghostwritten work.
Ghostwriting can also involve you publishing work under a name, which isn’tyour own.
The division of work between the ghostwriter and the credited author varies a great deal. In
some cases, the ghostwriter is hired to polish and edit a rough draft or a mostly-completed
manuscript. In this case, the outline, ideas and much of the language in the finished book or article are those of the credited author.

In other cases, a ghostwriter does most of the writing, using concepts and stories provided by
the credited author. In this case, a ghostwriter will do extensive research on the credited author
or their subject area of expertise.
It is rare for a ghostwriter to prepare a book or article with no input from the credited author; at
a minimum, the credited author usually jots down a basic framework of ideas at the outset or
provides comments on the ghostwriter's final draft.
For an autobiography, a ghostwriter will interview the credited author, their colleagues, and
family members, and find interviews, articles, and video footage about the credited author or
their work.

For other types of non-fiction books or articles, a ghostwriter will interview the credited author
and review previous speeches, articles, and interviews with the credited author, to assimilate
their arguments and points of view.
Ghostwriters are hired for numerous reasons. In many cases, celebrities or public figures do not
have the time, discipline, or writing skills to write and research a several-hundred page autobiography or "how-to" book.

Even if a celebrity or public figure has the writing skills to pen a short article, they may not know
how to structure and edit a several-hundred page book so that it is captivating and well-paced.
In other cases, publishers use ghostwriters to increase the number of books that can be
published each year under the name of well-known, highly marketable authors.
Ghostwriters will often spend from several months to a full year researching, writing, and editing
non-fiction works for a client, and they are paid either per page, with a flat fee, or a percentage
of the royalties of the sales, or some combination thereof.
Having an article ghostwritten can cost “$4 per word and more depending on the complexity" of
the article.

According to Ghostwriters Ink, a professional ghostwriting service, this flat-fee is usually closer to
an average of $12,000 to $28,000 per book. By hiring the ghostwriter for this negotiated price,
the client ultimately keeps all advances and post-publishing royalties and profits for themselves.

In Canada, The Writers' Union has established a minimum fee schedule for ghostwriting. The
total minimum fee for a 200-300 page book is $25,000, paid at various stages of the drafting of
the book. Research fees are an extra charge on top of this minimum fee.
Sometimes the ghostwriter will receive partial credit on a book, signified by the phrase "with..."
or "as told to..." on the cover. Credit for the ghostwriter may also be provided as a "thanks" in a
foreword or introduction. For non-fiction books, the ghostwriter may be credited as a
"contributor" or a "research assistant". In other cases, the ghostwriter receives no official credit
for writing a book or article; in cases where the credited author or the publisher or both wish to
conceal the ghostwriter's role, the ghostwriter may be asked to sign a nondisclosure contract
that forbids them from revealing their ghostwriting role.


If you are completely fluent in writing in more than one language you can also take on projects
translating internet or other content into different languages.
Make sure you include in your profile the languages you are fully fluent in.
If you are an experienced essay writer, you can earn quick cash by joining Jungle Page, at

With Jungle Page, you are hired to write requested essays, with some writers earning as much as
$1,200 per week submitting quality essays.
Once your essay has been accepted however, Jungle Page will own full rights to your content.

Working With Suite 101

Suite101 has been around for over a decade and is a leader in providing quality information
across more than 400 categories and topics. As a Suite101 contributor, you will earn
through their revenue sharing model (Adsense advertisements featured within your
Suite 101 has over 25 millions readers, so it's a great place to jump-start your writing career and
gain exposure for your service offers. You will be able to include a biography that is attached to
each of your articles, providing you with even greater exposure from within their community.
You will need to be accepted into their program once your application has been submitted.

Quick & Easy Cash With Text Broker

Text Broker, available at offers payment based on assignment,
ranging from $.10-$.70 per word. You will need to go through a simple application process prior to being accepted, where you will receive a rating score (1-5 stars), based on the quality of your
You can also maximize your income by accepting direct work from Text Broker clients, who are
looking for coverage on specific topics.
BIG COLLECTION OF FREELANCE JOB COMMUNITIES – This site is a compilation of blogs, some of which post

job leads. – A site geared towards job postings for Bloggers. – Navigate through to the freelance writing jobs, where you will find

jobs compiled from many sources in one easy to view screen. - Another site with a large listing of freelance blogging jobs. – Narrow your search on this job listing site by checking

“freelance” to obtain only the listings that are freelance based. – This site includes a large listing of freelance writing job

posting. – Sunoasis provides links to a large volume of

freelance writing opportunities compiled from many sources. - Under “Opportunities”, narrow your search down to just

freelance writing jobs. There are plenty of opportunities on this site to view. – This blog provides weekly links to several job leads.

You can also view previously posted jobs and apply to those as well. – This work at home forum lists many job openings;

search through the listings to find those for freelance writers.
image.png - This site also offers freelance writing job listings. – Under “Browse by Categories” select “creative”, and you will find a

few writing jobs, and many freelance copywriting jobs. – Go Freelance allows you to search by category – select “writing”

and view listing for freelance writing. – A free site to register and find freelance work. – This is a comprehensive site that also lists freelance writing

opportunities. – At, search for “freelance”

and you will find a multitude of freelance writing opportunities. – Virtual Vocations lists projects

available for freelance writers. - Lancepost lists a feed of new job leads, sift through to find leads

for freelance writing. – Through this site, check out the heading titled

“markets”. You can view their free leads and guidelines and also sign up for a newsletter. - Hires writers from all walks of life, with open projects across

hundreds of categories. – With this huge job site, search specifically for freelance writing to

obtain results. – Careerbuilder is another large job website, narrow down your

results by searching for freelance writing jobs.
image.png – Start with your local area and search job listings specifically for

freelance writing. Also check out areas across the US – since you are doing freelance
work, you will be able to complete it from anywhere.

Registration like other sites is free and allows you to create a profile or profiles under the section
writing, illustrations or photography. is unlike other writing
sites in that clients post their project specifications and writers post a sample of the work they
have done to fit that clients requirements.
The client then chooses between the samples and buys the completed document or not, they
are under no obligation. Obviously doing the work with no guarantee that it will be brought is
risky but if it isn’t sold then it can be brought by clients looking though the sites database which
is how most work is sold on this site.
You get to decide the price your willing to sell it for and weather you want to sell it repeatedly as
a usage only piece or sell it once for the full rights. It is well worth placing any unsold or
additional work on this site as it may just sell.
Constant content does take commission on all work sold on the site. You can become an affiliate,
refer writers, and earn 20% of their earnings. Constant-Content takes this right out of their cut.
Guidelines on submission of work are strict and absolutely no spelling or grammar mistakes are
allowed. Work is carefully screened upon submission which can take up to 3 days but usually less
then one and work is often rejected if not of a high enough quality.
# images from google




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