motivational blog: the quest for the algorithm of life 7/4/2018
“ every person on earth has a quest, that is exact 7.6 billion journey's on earth but not everyone makes it in their journey why? ”
image source: pixabay
we all are on a quest for greatness. a search for a job, a wife, a man, having children, you know it, and I know it but...
but what makes a person's journey successful?
Can life stay enjoyable even in stressing situations?
Are my goals reachable? Yes they are.
how will I achieve something that's all most unpredictable in life when making a decision?
it's not a complex thing to argue about. it's simple! plan your life
The big question mark in my story.png)
I'm 23 years old and I'm from Suriname and I was born in the Netherlands.
and what I had to endure was Devastating... I was molested, as a young child, lost so many years just because the school system in the Netherlands didn't want me to go to normal schools, lost my job!! and became sick, and almost died not 2 times, not 3 all because... I did not understand God and his plans and my purpose in life.
choking in the conference room.

when I was choking in the conference room where I used to work, told I, my uncle, that I could not breathe as I was eating and gasping for air as I pointed to my throat and felt that there was shrimp in my food, I could smell it. we ran as fast as we could without explanation to escape my death. and when we went downstairs asked the lady if I had allergies? and told her that I had breathing problems and could not hold it anymore as I felt how my throat closed, rushed, me and my uncle out of the building as one of the guys, that still was working, asked if he could bring me to the hospital. we stepped into the car without hesitation. it was one of the scariest Devastating moments in my life. when I got there, told I the lady at the hospital behind the counter, that I did, not, have my pass with me...
as she told my uncle that it would not work out as my uncle flipped out of Disgust and asked out of anger why they could not help me without a pass, he has money? as he talked in his second languages in Haitian Creole: is it that difficult to do?
I really could not take it anymore, I thought that I was going to die in the hospital...
after they called my father about the Frightening crisis that I had to endure, gave my Dad her the code of my pass so that I could get treatment. the doctors gave me medicine to down the swellings and the allergic reaction... and I was this close to death just in time to save me from the situation.
as I told the nurse when she checked my blood pressure: if I make it will I change my life...
god did not play around, he still hasn't forgotten the promises I made.
you must ask your self what is your purpose? and what is your quest?
I did not ask myself what my quest was in my journey and what my goals where?
that's what gets most people in life, they Forget the meaning of life.
I promised the god of Abraham, Izaak, and Jacob, that I would change, that I would do anything in my power to do great...
did I do it?
No, so I paid the price.
My kidneys are failing.

so struggled through it till I came to this point where my kidney's started to fail and rushed to my grandma to ask her that 1 question, can I do something about my current state?
as she told me that I can be healthy and live through it, but would take time and effort...
can you tell me how I can do it!? how can I get the best job's life can offer, or get a better life something that I always wanted?
how would you do it?
let me ask u something personal?
would you share your secret how you made 500.000 USD off your product if somebody asked u, would you tell the whole story how you did it?
noting in life goes easy.
the answer is no.
think about it, no one would share a secret with a large amount of value, unless if they have a reason to share something that can benefit themselves and their partner, but not all of his secrets in business!! this really important if a person Can not keep a secret, may he be in danger of losing profits or even his whole business over a simple word that the person did not keep.
but how will I, then get all my information if people don't share the whole secret?
search for it!
Do you want to learn how to deal with your asthma, how to get your car, how to get your degree, but you have not the right knowledge of it, and you have not the right attitude? how will I deal with the facts that I don't have it?
Develop Talents and skillsets...

“ most people are not born with talents and skill's, and most people miss out opportunities because they DON't develop TALENTS nor SKILL'S... ”
so u must be hungry...

if you ain't hungry for something, will you not get, what you want.
I'm hungry, so teach me how I can achieve goals...
stay with me we are almost there.
I just recently learned how to configure switches for networks and wanted to learn something close to my heart and
first thing first Gods plan with you...
and how to be a problem solver...
*if you can not solve a problem, try to make an algorithm in life.
what is an algorithm? * an algorithm , is just a fancy way of saying, * organized plans * that's all!
let me give you an
example: 14 years old Kate has a problem. Kate has no covers to use for her bed what will Kate do? Kate thinks it out and comes with a plan to contact mom.
kate want's to send a mail to her Mom, but Mom doesn't have a computer, how will Kate reach mom?
Call Mom! but kate doesn't have a cellphone nor a normal phone in the house, how will Kate reach mom? send A mail to Mom's address through the post office! but the post office is closed today, so no mail!! so how will Kate send her message? look for your brother he has a cell phone.
the answer: if you found him ask him if he can call mom and tell that I'M staying at dads?
do you see a pattern?
she made an algorithm and translated it into a program.
how does it all work?
*A computer is a tool that can be used to implement a plan for solving a problem.
doesn't that make you smarter than the tool? you're the input. you are the one implementing plans for solving your problem.
a program is just a set of instruction for the problem. And an algorithm? is just a plan, how to deal with a problem.
for solving a problem must you design a Plan to translate the plan into a program, by doing this is your chance of success multiplied, this is very important.
Life is like an if statement
Life is like an if statement if you work hard, will you have enough money to buy whatever you want in positivity but...
if you're completely lazy, will you be poor.

not unlike those people on the street that struggle every day to get a little bit of money and food, most of those people did or are doing more than you do...

don't forget this, people born into poverty are rich. if they get a change like me and you for an education, will they take it, without hesitation
If you invest in yourself, if true, will you, have a business.
but not without sacrifices.
(more if-statements)
*if you're in trouble...
don't panic stay calm there's no reason to
re-visit your plans, look at them one for one.
is there a problem I the code of your algorithm?
pray about it, and change the code in the algorithm!*
humans are built for success
your code is built on life, so don't waste it,
did you ever look upon the meaning of life in Google?
you should look it up

and all the antonyms words of life means death
we can't be happy living within inactivity, and idleness, apathy and lethargy, inanimacy dullness being abstract from life living the same life over and over in indifference and laziness.
if you're alive? shouldn't you get-up-and-go do something about your current state of mind?
shouldn't you invest? you and I are the same we are both...
last thing. be a Sherlock Holmes
To be honest, search Google and take your notebook if needed, your wallet too if you have to spend some money.
But do not search for half Products that won't profit you. and if needed take every little piece that has information for your project but sees through the scams, the lies that lay deep in the depts of the internet.
thank You for giving me the motivation, all the motivation for reading my blog...
what do you like about it and what are you gonna do?
what should I do because I'm young tell me...teach me!
it's not a complex thing to argue about. it's simple! plan your life
The big question mark in my story.png)
I'm 23 years old and I'm from Suriname and I was born in the Netherlands.
and what I had to endure was Devastating... I was molested, as a young child, lost so many years just because the school system in the Netherlands didn't want me to go to normal schools, lost my job!! and became sick, and almost died not 2 times, not 3 all because... I did not understand God and his plans and my purpose in life.
choking in the conference room.
when I was choking in the conference room where I used to work, told I, my uncle, that I could not breathe as I was eating and gasping for air as I pointed to my throat and felt that there was shrimp in my food, I could smell it. we ran as fast as we could without explanation to escape my death. and when we went downstairs asked the lady if I had allergies? and told her that I had breathing problems and could not hold it anymore as I felt how my throat closed, rushed, me and my uncle out of the building as one of the guys, that still was working, asked if he could bring me to the hospital. we stepped into the car without hesitation. it was one of the scariest Devastating moments in my life. when I got there, told I the lady at the hospital behind the counter, that I did, not, have my pass with me...
as she told my uncle that it would not work out as my uncle flipped out of Disgust and asked out of anger why they could not help me without a pass, he has money? as he talked in his second languages in Haitian Creole: is it that difficult to do?
I really could not take it anymore, I thought that I was going to die in the hospital...
after they called my father about the Frightening crisis that I had to endure, gave my Dad her the code of my pass so that I could get treatment. the doctors gave me medicine to down the swellings and the allergic reaction... and I was this close to death just in time to save me from the situation.
as I told the nurse when she checked my blood pressure: if I make it will I change my life...
god did not play around, he still hasn't forgotten the promises I made.
you must ask your self what is your purpose? and what is your quest?
I did not ask myself what my quest was in my journey and what my goals where?
that's what gets most people in life, they Forget the meaning of life.
I promised the god of Abraham, Izaak, and Jacob, that I would change, that I would do anything in my power to do great...
did I do it?
No, so I paid the price.
My kidneys are failing.
so struggled through it till I came to this point where my kidney's started to fail and rushed to my grandma to ask her that 1 question, can I do something about my current state?
as she told me that I can be healthy and live through it, but would take time and effort...
can you tell me how I can do it!? how can I get the best job's life can offer, or get a better life something that I always wanted?
let me ask u something personal?
would you share your secret how you made 500.000 USD off your product if somebody asked u, would you tell the whole story how you did it?
noting in life goes easy.
the answer is no.
think about it, no one would share a secret with a large amount of value, unless if they have a reason to share something that can benefit themselves and their partner, but not all of his secrets in business!! this really important if a person Can not keep a secret, may he be in danger of losing profits or even his whole business over a simple word that the person did not keep.
but how will I, then get all my information if people don't share the whole secret?
search for it!
Do you want to learn how to deal with your asthma, how to get your car, how to get your degree, but you have not the right knowledge of it, and you have not the right attitude? how will I deal with the facts that I don't have it?
Develop Talents and skillsets...
“ most people are not born with talents and skill's, and most people miss out opportunities because they DON't develop TALENTS nor SKILL'S... ”
so u must be hungry...
if you ain't hungry for something, will you not get, what you want.
I'm hungry, so teach me how I can achieve goals...
stay with me we are almost there.
I just recently learned how to configure switches for networks and wanted to learn something close to my heart and
first thing first Gods plan with you...
and how to be a problem solver...
*if you can not solve a problem, try to make an algorithm in life.
what is an algorithm? * an algorithm , is just a fancy way of saying, * organized plans * that's all!
let me give you an
example: 14 years old Kate has a problem. Kate has no covers to use for her bed what will Kate do? Kate thinks it out and comes with a plan to contact mom.
kate want's to send a mail to her Mom, but Mom doesn't have a computer, how will Kate reach mom?
Call Mom! but kate doesn't have a cellphone nor a normal phone in the house, how will Kate reach mom? send A mail to Mom's address through the post office! but the post office is closed today, so no mail!! so how will Kate send her message? look for your brother he has a cell phone.
the answer: if you found him ask him if he can call mom and tell that I'M staying at dads?
do you see a pattern?
she made an algorithm and translated it into a program.
how does it all work?
*A computer is a tool that can be used to implement a plan for solving a problem.
doesn't that make you smarter than the tool? you're the input. you are the one implementing plans for solving your problem.
a program is just a set of instruction for the problem. And an algorithm? is just a plan, how to deal with a problem.
for solving a problem must you design a Plan to translate the plan into a program, by doing this is your chance of success multiplied, this is very important.
Life is like an if statement
Life is like an if statement if you work hard, will you have enough money to buy whatever you want in positivity but...
if you're completely lazy, will you be poor.
not unlike those people on the street that struggle every day to get a little bit of money and food, most of those people did or are doing more than you do...
don't forget this, people born into poverty are rich. if they get a change like me and you for an education, will they take it, without hesitation
If you invest in yourself, if true, will you, have a business.
but not without sacrifices.
(more if-statements)
*if you're in trouble...
don't panic stay calm there's no reason to
re-visit your plans, look at them one for one.
is there a problem I the code of your algorithm?
pray about it, and change the code in the algorithm!*
humans are built for success
your code is built on life, so don't waste it,
did you ever look upon the meaning of life in Google?
you should look it up

and all the antonyms words of life means death
we can't be happy living within inactivity, and idleness, apathy and lethargy, inanimacy dullness being abstract from life living the same life over and over in indifference and laziness.
if you're alive? shouldn't you get-up-and-go do something about your current state of mind?
shouldn't you invest? you and I are the same we are both...
last thing. be a Sherlock Holmes
To be honest, search Google and take your notebook if needed, your wallet too if you have to spend some money.
But do not search for half Products that won't profit you. and if needed take every little piece that has information for your project but sees through the scams, the lies that lay deep in the depts of the internet.
thank You for giving me the motivation, all the motivation for reading my blog...
what do you like about it and what are you gonna do?
what should I do because I'm young tell me...teach me!
did you ever look upon the meaning of life in Google?
you should look it up
and all the antonyms words of life means death
we can't be happy living within inactivity, and idleness, apathy and lethargy, inanimacy dullness being abstract from life living the same life over and over in indifference and laziness.
if you're alive? shouldn't you get-up-and-go do something about your current state of mind?
shouldn't you invest? you and I are the same we are both...
last thing. be a Sherlock Holmes
To be honest, search Google and take your notebook if needed, your wallet too if you have to spend some money.
But do not search for half Products that won't profit you. and if needed take every little piece that has information for your project but sees through the scams, the lies that lay deep in the depts of the internet.
thank You for giving me the motivation, all the motivation for reading my blog...
what do you like about it and what are you gonna do?
what should I do because I'm young tell me...teach me!