Full Face Snorkel Masks - Not all are equal!

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

I get curious looks at the beach everytime I go to snorkel with my full face mask. It is the same look I gave someone when I first saw them use it in Maui. Since then, I knew I had to try it!
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Full face masks have been getting a lot of negative attention since it was publicised that someone drowned while snorkeling with a snorkel mask. The name brand they were using is unknown. And so, the question I get a lot recently is, "what about CO2 build up in the mask?" The CO2 build up is said to make some of the full face masks unsafe.

I have used a mask by Tribord Subea for almost 2 years and I love the mask. I breath GREAT underwater snorkeling. Since I first bought the mask, I noticed A LOT of new brands have come out for as little as $18. I am here to say, NOT ALL MASKS ARE EQUAL!

The design is so important because the mask needs good airflow. People buy some of these masks on a budget, not realizing they might be compromising their safety. When it comes to breathing in water, it's not the time to be cheap. YOU PAY FOR WHAT YOU GET.

If you have a mask that is of quality and designed for proper airflow, the masks are great. In my case, it makes snorkeling much easier than with the traditional snorkels. I have not felt "short of breath" using them or any other symptom that would indicate my mask was putting me in danger. I can only speak for myself and my experience. Friends of mine also love using their full face masks too and report good things.

Let me also point out that these masks are for snorkeling only. And preferably in calm water conditions. Why someone would expect to swim laps or do any swimming with high exertion with a full face snorkel is beyond me! So, if someone is doing exercise or exerting too much energy in the water, I can imagine it is possible to have some breathing problems in the mask. Common sense is to be used and if applied, it is clear that these masks are not made for that. The instructions of the mask also state that it is for leisure snorkeling only.

Snorkeling is meant to float in the water and swim extremely lightly so that you can see the underwater life. Considering that, the masks are not meant for those that like to swim fast, frantically or quick in the water. Besides, that scares away all the fish!! That makes snorkeling no fun :(

I just wanted to share that for any of you who are curious about these masks. If you want to try one, do your research and choose a high quality mask. Test it out in a safe controlled environment like a pool and see if you like. It may not be for everyone, but you just may like it!