Spam Comments: What Can You Do To Them?

in #blog7 years ago


A lot of bloggers probably has the same dilemma. Spam robots or so-called spambots are everywhere that every post can be penetrated and they can leave comments on them if your comment setting is not regulated. Still, some consider letting the spam comments stay on their page for the comment counts.

How about you? Do you do the same way?

I’ve been blogging since 2008 and there are instances that I do accept spam comments on a blog post if in case they are related to my topic. Others which seem to be off go to the spam folder or will just be deleted forever.

Why do I accept spam comments on my blog post? Simply because they add engagement to my posts. I am not that much in concern of how they can affect my blog negatively because as far as I know, as long as they are not pornography or something else that is illegal, they are okay. If I feel like they won’t do any harm to my readers and to the status of my blog, they are good.

Some advertising company sometimes asks for the engagement count of a blog so they can accept an application. If your blog seems to have spam comments but you are sure that they are actually helping you reach a certain engagement, you are probably to accept them.