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RE: Life is Tough. Literally: The story of my failures in animal rescue.

in #blog7 years ago

Hi Mobbs.

I cannot thank you enough for all you have tried to do for these cats. I am sorry that so many of them have ended badly. I have been involved in cat rescue for 6 years now. I often feel that the world is against me and that I have failed these furry little creatures that only seem to want love. It makes me sick to my stomach. In a way, I am relieved to see that I am not the only one who has failed to save some I have vowed to help. Some of which were due to my own ignorance and lack of knowledge. We have to keep trying though.

You are right, realistically we are fighting a losing battle. You cannot save them all. But you can make a difference. I have faith that with all you have learned that you will have your miracle if you choose to keep with it. I hope you do. I know it is hard to accept.

Best of luck to you. I've followed you. I hope to see posts about the cats that you save in the future.



Thanks for the support. I'm also happy to see there's another one who has gone through what I have!

I can't imagine me taking on another any time soon but I am putting my knowledge forward to others in the rescue community - and I have learnt A LOT - so i'll be making a difference in some way no matter what =)

That is all that matters. Don't be afraid to get back into it though. You can't be too hard on yourself. At least your heart is in the right place. Your efforts, even ending in failure, are much better than the cats sitting there suffering with no one doing anything. Thanks again!