About Industrial Pollution

in #blog6 years ago

Industrial Pollution:

The environment of the earth is a great blessing for mankind. It is the various activities in the environment that sustain life. Biological process going on in the soil give us mineral products and food crops. Photosynthetic activity system give us pure water to drink.


Increased industrial activity has been polluting the environment continuously. The smoke emitted from factories, cotton waste, inorganic synthetic Chemicals, industrial wastes dumped in the vicinity of factors or thrown into rivers and streams pollute the environment.


Since industrialization is accompanied with urbanization, industrial cities with numerous ugly pockets of poverty and squalor like sore spots on the fair face of the earth have spawned in the recent past. Unhygienic living conditions in these cities pose a grave danger to our environment. Smoke emitted from vehicles, human waste, animals bathing in rivers and ponds spread a great deal of pollution. Factories and vehicles running with rattling noise cause noise pollution.

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Air pollution causes respiratory diseases. Contaminated water causes cholera and gastroenteritis diseases. Noise Pollution causes nervous diseases. Very loud sounds can even impair the hearing of human beings. Nuclear fallout may lead to the birth of malformed babies.

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Developed countries were alert to the menace and took timely remedial steps. But in developing countries, ecological balance is not be maintained and the dangers of this imbalance are really every serious.


Spreading awareness among people and creating a strong public opinion on the need of the preservation of the environment is a major step. It is also important to adopt harsher measures. For example, some factories deemed to be dangerous to the Taj Mahal to be closed by a court order. Some factories in Kanpur had also to be closed. At the legislative level, industrial licenses are being linked with the Government policy on environment.