Either you run the day, or the day runs you. - Jim Rohn
On occasion our upcoming daily activities
can be rather daunting or overwhelming
and often leaving us inclined to almost turn a blind eye
to everything that is waiting to be accomplished or completed,
but the reality of the matter is that doing this does not benefit us
in any way, shape or form -
it really only makes matters worse,
because the mountain that we originally had to climb
is only compounding whilst we are stuck
in our little moment of denial or procrastination.
Pretending things don't exist,
or that they will just go away...
really doesn't work!
Truthfully, the best defense and course of action
is to just get stuck in to what awaits you.
Once you break the surface,
that overwhelming sense of panic will disappear
and you will take ownership of the situation -
once you have reached that point, you own it!
And it is simply a matter of ticking the list!
There is a GREAT sense of achievement
when you manage to "get through"
everything that hours before seemed almost impossible!
21 days! It takes 21 days to make or break a habit and
"owning your day" rather than let it overwhelm you...
is most definitely a habit that you want to cultivate!
Anything in life worth having requires hard work -
we know this! So... go and OWN it!
People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily! – Zig Ziglar
I am a total sucker for anything motivational and/or inspirational, I often spend a good amount of time browsing quotes online to share with followers on various other platforms so I figured why not make it a daily habit here on Steemit too ;)
Despite the fact that I am a complete and utter tech junkie and I love so much about our modern world - (yes, there is a lot that I DON’T like as well… but keep up people… this is a happy hippy post), I have often considered the fact that I might have been born in the wrong era.
I have an insatiable love for anything 60’s!
So here I sit - in the 21st century, perhaps minus the bell bottoms but definitely not without the happy spirit, excessive array of colour (everywhere) and juuuuust a few gadgets to boot…he he!
Welcome to…
Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

Header Image is Purchased Stock Photography
I love this! I got chills reading it :) Thank you @jaynie! I am on my 20th day today of creating "new habits" and a better lifestyle <333
Rockin it #likeaboss - Lots of Love SiStar!!! Reiki Hugs!!!
YAY!!!!!! Thats awesome @reiki-trail :)
Long time no hear....
It certainly sounds like you are doing well.... I hope this is so :D
Glad you enjoyed the post!!!
Hope to hear from you again soon....
Take care xxx
Right!! Yess....I have been busy kicking my own butt into a higher gear ;) Things are coming along very well, but I had to get down and dirty for a hot minute LOL.
I am forward in action and will be around much much more SiStar <333
Lots of Love!!!
Well, that sounds VERY good!! MWAH!!!! Keep in touch more often :)
Thank you :) I shall see you again soon SiStar <333 Have a great day!
There is nothing like getting a huge dose of inspiration first thing in the morning, it is almost, I said almost, better than coffee! Thanks for including the the quote from Zig Zigler, his quotes can be life changing if taken to heart.
LOL! Love that truth @papacrusher. Coffee goes great with inspiration, and vice versa ;)
Bright Blessings!
I really enjoyed that one too @reiki-trail lol :D
I injoyed a good hearty laugh when I read that. It was just too awesome, especially with the timing 'in my world'.
I was literally just finishing my last cup of coffee from an entire pot that I drank myself... Ohhh boy lol
Hey, I have been up since 3am LOL XD
Love Synchro <3333
Hahahahahaha! Yes, I can see how VERY apt that was! lol
lol @ "almost" better than coffee!!! ;) Glad it made a good morning for you :D
Hope you have a super day further :)
Thank you for your support - it is much appreciated :)
It's just after 6am here in Texas. Couldn't sleep and got up about hour ago. I was going to go back to bed but after seeing some writing ( my last Blog Post) that has started to show it's paying off here and the fact that your own blog post gets me going in a postivie way...well I do not feel like going back to bed. Wanna keep on going and make this Saturday count. Thanks again @jaynie for your encouraging words ;)
THAT, right there - sounds a LOT like PASSION to me @robertandrew ;)
I hope your Saturday unfolds as productively as you intend.
Thank you for your wonderfully positive input towards me in general.... it counts for a lot!
Have a SUPER DAY!!!!
Thank you so much pretty Jaynie. Im into positivism too because I see how changing my mindset to a positive one had change my life. It working and is wonderful. Thank you for helping others I believe this is one of the purposes of life, uplifting others.
Much Love,
I follow you toread more happy hippy posts :)
It REALLY is the only way to live moving forwards @anamena92 - and I am THRILLED that you enjoyed the post :)
Thank you for your support hon x
I like the Mare Forleo quote because, for me, it's being present is more important than what I'm actually doing.
I would rather be fully present to the moment than cross something off my list, if it means doing it with my mind elsewhere.
The trick, of course is to be fully present whilst doing the stuff that I'd rather not have to do and that's an ongoing practice!
Quite right.... THAT is INDEED the trick!!! ;)
Thanks a lot for your valuable post sharing....... i like this blog
best of luck my dear friend
Thank you @triptybarsha :) I appreciate your upbeat vibe and consistency ;) xxx
Thanks a lot....
Loving this..
Perfect use of images to match your point.
Well said though. We just got to start. When we've done so, all seeming forms of fear and panic and anxiety will pass and we'll end up getting engrossed in the day's tasks and hopefully accomplish them perfectly.
That is absolutely SPOT ON @j-stark!!! Glad you enjoyed the post and thank you for your input :)
haha @jaynie i love that quote which states that either you run the day or the day runs you,i always try to run the day
Yip. lol - The latter is definitely always better hahaha!!!! ;)
This just made my day
Thanks for sharing..
Glad you enjoyed it :) Thank you for your support.
You post is maizing @jaynie... I like it
Well, thank you :)
This is what you call engagement.
indeed it is :)