Fed up with the miserable weather and feeling brave.

in #blog7 years ago

The weather in Wales during the winter months is to put it very mildly, absolutely fucking shit. So while being stuck in work on the evening shift on a slow day, which is most days. I was itching to take a photograph of something, anything even if I had to put my life in danger so I hunted down the most vain person I know in work, Lee from the HIP department.

Lee had the added advantage for having the well deserved reputation for being on the wrong side of sane. Well its only an advantage if you didn't have the misfortune to work with him, which luckily for me I didn't.

If you were to check his Facebook out you'd only find pictures of him and his dogs. So I knew I'd be safe as long as he could see me approach from a distance with my camera in plain sight.

What followed was the following pictures and a couple of years off my life.

Lee laughing at a joke, well to be honest it wasn't a very funny joke and I'm not brave enough to tell him his jokes aren't very funny.


Lee wondering what to have for dinner which is the usually the same as his dogs. The choice today was between beef Pedigree Chum or Whiskers with tuna. Yeah his Dogs aren't all there either.


This last one Lee looks quite normal. I think he was after a new Facebook Profile pic.

If your a keen photographer you'd notice that the eye closest to me is not the one in focus. My fault I just turned on face detect and didn't select face detect with right eye. Nerves!! That's my excuse anyway.

Cheers for reading