11:11 Meaning: Maximise your potential

in #blog7 years ago

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Many people have often wondered the true 11:11 Meaning. While progressing through different levels of ascension has 11:11 repetitively appeared before your eyes? Or has the numbers 11:11 been following you your whole life? Possibly you have seen 11:11 Instagram posts or snap chat stories? 11:11's meaning is very important and has been throughout history. Numerology is a practice dating back to ancient Greece. Each number can be broken down to into a single number (1-9) or a master number (11,22,33). Each number holds a meaning and a combination of certain numbers describes accurately different personality traits, destiny paths and even suggested lovers. Numerology numbers also align with frequencies and vibrations but that's a story for another day...

Why's 11:11 meaning Significant?

Through in depth study of religious texts and historical texts the answer and significance of the answer came very clear to me. As I had been seeing 11:11 over and over again and coincidentally or not at the time of noticing I was thinking some productive future beneficial thoughts. While researching I come across with what 11:11 truly means. It's a sign that you have support all around you of every day and it's a message from the ascended masters that love, protection, clarity and guidance is within your grasp. It's also a divine message that you are a master of your destiny and that you are on the right path. Pretty re-assuring isn't it? especially when you are stepping outside of the box and really doing what you have always dreamed of doing!


Other 11:11 Meanings...

This one has aligned with me pretty strongly. We have to start paying attention to our thoughts and how much attention we give those thoughts. Lets be honest this is the difference between a life where there are no limitations, no fear, no doubt and therefore endless possibilities. Every thought that you think sends out vibrations into the universe for the universe to sort. After all science understands how quantum physics is proving this theory over and over again. We are a consciousness living in a physical body so start understanding the power of your consciousness and how you are a product of your thoughts. Another common belief of 11:11 is that a portal is about to open for you with endless potential. Next time 11:11 falls before your eyes don't forget... make a wish, dare to dream. Have trust in the process and that your current destination isn't your final destination.

11:11 Meaning - Maximizing Your Potential

While 11:11 surrounds your every day life you must make the most of every moment and push yourself to learn and comprehend. Start taking a new perspective upon moments surrounding you every day. Understand the power of your subconscious thoughts. Our potential far exceeds any limitation and as a collective we will achieve that. Remember that with a lot of good ideas there are going to a few bad ones to. Just keep moving from failure to failure with no loss in enthusiasm and a lot of trust in the process and positive experiences will follow. Before you know it you will be living the life of your dreams. Understand that failure is great, it's the best lesson we can have. Start learning from mistakes and be the best you... I believe in you.