One more day I went through - something is better, something is strange
Hi, guys!
Today I have some signs that my life is turning better. Well, at least I didn't suffer all day long, I just slept all day long. Yesterday I've visited a new doctor, this time together with my husband (cause I needed doctor to explain him what's going on with me), and doc corrected the plan of my medication a bit. So, now it seems like for several weeks I will spent most of my time asleep, cause pills affect that way at first time. But well, why not, it's winter after all, bears are all asleep and I can join them:)
When I posted about depressive episodes before I always got advises under my posts. Advises about yoga, meditation, healthy diet, sport ect. You know, what? The only person who wins from such advises is the person who gives them. They help him/her feel himself/herself very kind and supportive. Ans in 99% cases they have no idea how real clinical depression (not bad mood) looks and feels like. And often they are really surprised when find out that it's not just bad mood, but also (sometimes) - a pain in all body, hard breathing and tachycardia, no possibility to eat that healthy food cause it immediately comes back, ect ect ect. Of course, everyone go through it differently. But anyway, you don't say "just don't pay attention" to someone with a broken leg, so don't do the same to someone with broken head.
Love you all, wish you great evening
Love, Inber
Well, I hope that if anyone has given advice to help it was done with love and because they feel genuine concern for your well being, even sometimes things that seem bad could be done in the manner of good.
I wouldn't give advice about such depression, as I know it can be very hard to deal with and often need medication. Although, once you DO get a better medication stabilized, walks and being outdoors can be good just in general, not that it will take away your sadness, but sometimes it might just feel good. But, obviously, your doctor knows what you need with medicines and such.
I have a friend who is a doctor who has told me about real sever cases of Clinical Depression, so I do know how serious and bad it can be for the poor person suffering from it. All you can do is try out their medicine and advice and work towards an achievable goal. At least you know you have an online community that does have your back. We do support you so even if our advice might not always be the best, the Intentions are only for good and love.
Feel better and enjoy your 'bear hibernation' I thought that was a cute way of looking at it.
Thank you, my dear <3
Not always it's so, about advice. Actually a year ago I lost a friend because of them. She was a vegan, and she was 100% sure that such living approach can grow you a new leg in case if you miss one. Often people are so sure that their advice can save the world that they simply can't understand that a person can not be able to follow it at all (for example I can't do sports when my heart is about to jump away from my chest, but I do a lot of sport when I'm OK and I really love it).
Living with depression myself i know how it feels, i think people are just being kind as there really is not else to say :)
People are being kind when they are being kind, not when they begin phrases with "You HAVE TO...." - and tell you about a magic rabbit that can heal cancer:)
No one likes being told what to so and some people think they know better. Unless they walk in our shoes they really havent got a clue
Excellent post... Dear
hope that everything will be better after you have a good rest and sleeping @inber, people just trying to share their experience with you, but because everyone is a unique person, I assume that not every kind of medication worked for everyone. Wish you all the best and get well soon!
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I was about to ask if you were sure if you were okay as generally sleeping all day is another bad sign but if it’s just a side effect of change of medication schedules then it will probably pass as you adjust 😆 good time of year to do it anyway, hope it doesn’t take you too long to adjust and hope the doc explanation helped hubby understand better 🙂
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