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RE: Fuck Steemit, Fuck the TOS and Fuck the Flagging?

in #blog7 years ago

I don't understand the right waiving consensus. I really don't. The words you used for privacy, heard a million times. It's disgusting. I ask married couples, would you like me to watch your intimate times? How about me, listening to your phone calls? They always answer no, but... always say they don't do anything illegal so...

One thing is, how much longer will free speech last? I was kicked off Twitter for exposing sedition between a senator and #2 in DNC via thread. I came here not to bust politicians but to help others. But wonder, how long will this last?

I appreciate your thoughts here. I have some of the same concerns.


you should join us in the @informationwar you will fit right in :) #informationwar

See my blog you feel this grip of suppression 'tightening' over the last couple of weeks?
....Or am I just being over sensitive? ...(not referring to steam , just a general feeling)....

I kinda gave up over the past few weeks on watching almost any news, preferring to get it here and reddit mainly(as bs can be downvoted/called out).

In general, the culture war is lost by the leftists. Too many free speech platforms popping up + tons of Alt Media starting their own shows with hundreds of thousands of followers/patreons/streaming/blah. Only a few million actual people watch CNN and what not. One personality on YT gets more views than CNN now.

Its over for them, but they won't go down without trying to stay relevant. Now is probably the best time in US history to get more media sources to the forefront and encourage critical thinking/truth seeking.

I agree with what your saying, they are definitely losing control of the narrative, but with the Tommy Robinson debacle, came a feeling of 'them' ratcheting it up a notch.

Like they know they are losing big time, and preparing to clampdown more...just my own feeling...

And their willingness to do physical harm must not be discounted.

Also, I don't see much clarity in the alt media; I see much confusion and anger. The alt narrative is fractured and, in the end, most people will shy away from doing anything, apart from feeling slightly better for their "five minutes of hate" directed at untouchable targets.

So you didn't ask this question to me personally, but I know for me, I've felt the "tightening" increase over the last couple of years, but especially in the last month or so for some reason.

...good to know there is someone as paranoid as I am, then !

Being "paranoid" has saved my rear end one too many times. too, mate!

I think the real question is: How much longer will the rest of our freedom of speech last?

And it bothers me. To stay connected, you must use these companies. (Unless you use -- which is turning out to be pretty epic by the way). To use these companies, you must agree to the TOS, whether by explicit consent (checking the box) or through simply being on the site (tactical agreement).

I'm taking a deep breath, counting to ten and drinking my vegetable juice.

Agreed, will check out website thanks!