Life (3 of 4) | Denoument: Bringing Back the Old Times

A past hobby of mine was to paint. I started to draw when I was 6 to 7 years old and then somehow evolved into painting during my teenage years. I experimented my acrylics, pastels, pencils and later on settled on watercolor. It was a medium that we focused on during our college years in Interior Design.
We were trained in drafting interiors and plans, not really enough time to just get out my pad and sketch whatever I want. As days became weeks and weeks became months and then years, somehow my fingers forgot how to draw.
A sad fact, but now I'm trying to find time to gain back what I lost. Hopefully, there is still some muscle memory and cross my fingers that I didn't lose as much as I thought I did!
Sketching and painting are all that I know during my childhood days and I really want to bring it back to be my outlet again.