Yeah this all rings very true. I went to college at Tulane for a couple of years (1998-2000) and at first it felt like paradise. Then those pissed out streets and drunk throngs got pretty old, pretty fast. It is interesting how the prohibitionist attitudes and laws that still permeate our country have led to such a culture of "drink to get fucked up" drunks. Which is obviously the worst kind of drinking. Drink while having fun and socializing :) Absolutely should be fine to stroll down the street with a beer.
Much love - Carl "Totally Not A Bot" Gnash / @carlgnash

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Imagine a world not so far away when not “banning” “ illegalizing” normal human behaviour would become NORMAL..imagine how much the world and human/mice interaction would become a reality a normalization a regular thing?! I come from a society where this is not outlawn and it had not become an was not “illegall” to have a fucking beer while walking and somehow somewhere nobody exceeded the limit ..nobody got was just a normal about realising that that was a thing we as humans could handle..btw appreciate the batdge but I as a real human( not being humble now) am not sure I deserve it ..Because I stated and pointed out a thing that SHOULD be allowed as normal!!! We can fucking handle it! We can have a beer while walking on a street and ..and if we don’t and we go overboard ..well I guess thats why we have the rule of fucking law...anyway that being said Thank You for the comment and the appreciation!!
yes of course - that is the point, it should be allowed as normal, and because it is not, when it is allowed, it still isn't normal. New Orleans is a weird place. I have had some great adventures there. But there is a strange energy that comes out in people - because of what New Orleans means to them before they ever even get there.