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RE: Did you know? #56 - The Science Behind Astrology

in #blog8 years ago (edited)

Sometimes I wonder how it is possible for educated people to believe adamantly that there is some unexplained force that brands us with specific personality traits, due to the position of the sun as it travels among the star constellations during the year. Of course if you ask an astrologer what exactly is that mysterious power that sculpts our way of thinking, he will claim that is obscure, he will cloud your mind with ambiguities and assert that it is undocumented because its metaphysical! There are four fundamental forces that govern the universe – gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force – and none of them complies to the astrology model.
The roots of this divination method which derives its results through studying the stars up in the heavens, lies somewhere at ancient Mesopotamia more than four millenia ago, and of that approximate age are their charts that mapped the sky as they observed it back then. The same astrological maps showing the constellations of the stars, are used from present day astrologers and like the priests of ancient Sumeria they dictate the omens that rule our lives. Yet unfortunately for them science has evolved in the last four thousand years disproving them with the most blatant way through our understanding of the cosmos based on proven observations.

The sky that those oracles of antiquity saw when they gazed up in the heavens and then drew on their maps is not the same sky we see now, the stars have changed positions from our perspective! Earth wobbles around its axis, its phenomenon called precession meaning in plain words that the stars have moved to the west so much, that the zodiac sign dates they vigorously defend, are off more than a month! So you are born in the beginning of january and you think you are a capricorn, well you had better think again because actually you are sagitarrius.

I could keep writing, easily disproving every of their claims about their method of divining what is to come but I believe invalidating their 'textbook' was enough. I suppose astrology is just another pseudo-science or pseudo-religion, say it as you prefer, that like all of them exploit the ignorance of others in order for some to gain.