Panning for gold vs. buying gold from Goldmoney + a unicorn
This post will determine once and for all whether it is faster and easier to pan for gold, or purchase it from Goldmoney.
If you think you already know the outcome of this experiment, and would like to try the new and improved onboarding, that makes it considerably easier to open a Goldmoney Holding than ever before to buy some gold, start here:
Like many gold enthusiasts, I enjoy watching the show Gold Rush, on the Discovery Channel, in which amateur gold miners quickly discover just how difficult and expensive it is to get gold out of the ground.
I decided to purchase a gold panning kit branded by Gold Rush and give it a try myself to see if this process would be quicker than buying gold from Goldmoney.
This kit contains a gold pan and some other supplies necessary to do some panning, including some pay dirt from active gold mines!
The instructions in the kit recommend that you watch a video to learn the basics of gold panning put on by Parker Schnabel, one of the stars of Gold Rush.
Note the Chiweenie dog standing watch. Learn more about the Goldmoney Chiweenie here:
The gold panning process requires a lot of patience, as the pan must be shaken many times and the dirt and rocks washed out. It is a methodical process that old time goldminers have been doing for a couple hundred years or so.
While I have casually panned a few times before I would by no means consider myself an expert.
Even the Chiweenie dog was getting bored of watching me washing rocks.
Little by little the lighter rocks are eliminated from the pan, and the heavier black sand and gold (hopefully) sink to the bottom.
Gold panning is a little like fishing. Patience is needed, with no guaranteed results.
Finally after some vigorous shaking......
Just kidding.
I did end up with a few flakes!!
The process took 45 minutes or so. Allowing time for some pictures :)
Lets compare to purchasing some gold using Goldmoney:
After funding my account via PayPal....
Selected order to buy $20 USD worth of gold.
Chose vault.
Reviewed order.
Placed order and received confirmation of order.
With my extra time, I sent a friend some gold (this was from my Personal account, but gold payments can be send from a Holding as well).
This process took considerably less time than panning for gold, cost less than the $25 + I paid for the kit, I experienced no hand cramping, and I ended up with more gold.
Next time I pan for gold, maybe Ill use my lucky gold hat! In the meantime, I will stick with the convenience of Goldmoney.
PS. As I was composing this blog, a friend sent me this picture, its just random enough to include.
To sign up for a Goldmoney Holding start here:
I am on a personal mission to spread the world about Goldmoney through any means necessary. Goldmoney allows indivuals to empower themselves by protecting their savings by owning small or large amounts gold previously inaccessible to regular people like you and me.
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As i say gold is the new gold.
I like that. I might use that later :)
Maybe you could also take a STEEM power ranger suit and let them experience goldmoney. #GOLDMONEYISEVERYWHERE
Good idea:)
Let me know when STEEM Power ranger have to come to the rescue..
And what about this idea? I hope you can support this.
Yes! One day I will have a beard like that
I'm terrible at panning for gold. I've tried on numerous occasions and personally I don't think it is worth the effort. You are probably better off just buying gold with goldmoney as you said @goldmatters haha
Lol yeah im pretty bad at it too. I need more practice to be a good gold planner.... but I agree Ill just buy it from Goldmoney for reals :)
Pretty cool, i like that show too. I like when they clean out at the end and weight it up. Seems easier to order from gold money. The shot with the dog was cute too!
Thanks man! It's so satisfying watching them pour gold and count it EVERY time oz by oz. What an awesome show!
I have bought a gold bar about 2 years ago and I think that will be a good save . Welcome back to the crypto world.
Fantastic! I bet that gold bar helps you sleep at night :)
Helps me feel a little secure :) cheers 🍻
The grandfather from Parker did pan a lot pay dirt. Nice to see you bought the kit and try it yourself, including the pay dirt. I See some business in it; sell pan with paydirt for $30, and in average there is only for $2 gold in the kit. BUT; in several cases there will be more gold, maybe up to $10.000. That could make it more fun to pan.
Otherwise; just follow your instructions how to become some GOLD MONEY.
Thanks for reading about gold panning and Goldmoney! Yeah I had a lot of fun doing it really :) enjoyed the process
I agree with
That looks great!
I would love to be able to go out into my back yard and pan for gold!
You can! Just order a kit :)
Haha, the unicorn came out of nowhere... lol. As for gold panning, I've tried it a few times, it really takes patience and often has very little reward I think your totally doing it the right way.
Lol totally! The unicorn kinda freaks me out honestly..... i agree, buying gold through Goldmoney = much easier:)
I am ready for the next "goldmoney was here" contest since I missed the last one (I will reveal the secret backround city in the contest-

Awesome! Great picture of the Goldmoney card!