Learn To See Inwardly
Greeting to you Steemians!
The real thing about you is not your body or your look, it is not what someone put on their body or how they dress up that described who they really are but the real thing about anyone as a human being is the HEART.
Everything we do in life springs from our thought before the action is being performed in the physical, therefore the contents of your heart described who you are for real.
The most attractive thing about you should have less to do with your face and body, but more to do with your heart and how you treat other people.
Let's face it, we see an appearance first and have our first impression on what we see. Our appearance is where we can hide behind whenever we are making a choice to choose between one person or the other. This is very common in every area of human lives but this act of making a choice based on outward appearance is rampant in the area of relationship.
But appearance does not say anything about a character rather appearance is deceives in most cases. Nowadays it seems that we judge each other based on our appearance, who we are and what we stand for does not seems to matter.
No effort is made to get to know the person far beyond an appearance.
It is our own mental attitude which makes the world what it is for us. Our thoughts make things beautiful, our thoughts make thing ugly, not our eyes. The world is in our minds where we channel positive or negative thoughts on things or people we see.
Learn to see things in the proper light by looking inwardly. Learn to see souls instead of bodies, by using your mind instead of your eyes. Let us not judge a book by it's cover.
Stay Blessed Steemians!