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RE: Thought Of The Day - The South African Crisis

in #blog7 years ago

I was thinking about if this kind of murder happened in for example the States, it would be on each and every news company each time it happened for weeks, they would make movies and documentaries about it. Here not so much because it doesn't fit the narrative of the evil white man.

Actually, in 2018 the coverage here in the states from the MSM would ignore it unless the killer used legally owned guns, the anti gun rights narrative can sometimes override the anti white man narrative, our media is pushing an evil white men narrative all the time, in fact they have gone so far as to take a mulatto shooter and lighten their pictures of him to make him look white. There were a number of mass shootings of police during the Obama era and they got some coverage but not much.

They push the evil white man narrative here because that is essential to their identity politics, Democrats whole strategy is based on uniting all the non white, non male, non straight, non cis people against the straight white man who has to be portrayed as their enemy and evil and unhuman, they have just taken it a little further in South Africa.


That's very true I have notice how some stories are completely ignore there by the MSM when it doesn't fit their political narrative. The blatant hypocrisy just drives me up the wall, it's all about equality, except for one race, it's all about fighting racism, except completely fine if that racism is only targeted at one race.

The progressives in the media consider it a fact that only white people can be racist, in fact they determine how many white people are racist by doing surveys where they ask "is there reverse racism?" and if you say "yes" then you are tagged as a racist for the purposes of their study.