
in #blog6 years ago

I ultimately fell off my schedule by a couple of days for the sake of being considerate to others. Cumbersome, but nourishing in its own right. Still, that makes today the beginning of my now off-whack workout week.

Bike(Cardio): 30 minutes. Level 11, adding one difficulty every 10 minutes. Average RPM: 80. Heh heh hehhh...I was wondering how I'd work if I tried going back to 30 minute blocks. While I note the overall trend, I am still not entirely displeased. Though I only maintained the 80 RPM average because of no fewer than 10 bursts where I threw myself into the 106-118 RPM range for 1-1.5 minutes each roughly.

Bench Press (135 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks.

Pec Fly(140 lbs): 25 reps, no breaks.

Abdominal Fuse (140 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. Barely...but I did it.

Leg Extension(140 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. Being off-schedule did nothing to my latent strength with this one. I breezed right through it.

Seated Leg Curl(140 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks.

Leg Press (140 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. Definitely the toughest one tonight. I found each rep taking anywhere from 2-10 seconds to complete.

Chest Press(140 lbs): 21 reps, no breaks. I ultimately decided that the first time I would've needed to stop for a few deep breaths would be okay to end the set and go on to the back raises/weighted sit-ups.

Shoulder Press(140 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks.

Lateral Pull-Down (140 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks.

Lower Back Fuse(140 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. Much easier tonight. I had a couple of times where the bar didn't want to extend all the way for the level of effort I was willing to crank out, but ultimately I managed the 30 full range reps.

Seated Row(140 lbs): 30 reps. I wound up needing some deep breaths right at 23 reps, but then flew right through the last 7.

Bicep Curl(35 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks.

Tricep Extension(40 lbs): 15 reps with the left arm emphasized, 15 with the right, no breaks.

Weighted sit-ups: Two 45 lb plates on my upper chest, 30 reps, no breaks. Only a tiny little twinge in the lower back in spite of the change introduced into my day-to-day today...allowing me a moment's minor relief.

Weighted back raises (Draping myself from the waist down across a bench, raising from the waist up until back is straight with two 45 lb plates clasped on my chest) 30 reps, no breaks. Honestly, the biggest challenge from this one, weight increase in consideration, was keeping the plates stacked onto each other while I was trying to do the exercise. They're too broad, even for my broad build. And going two-deep, my fingers can't properly fit around the outer rims to hold them straight that way. No matter. I'll adjust. I always do.

Incline Elliptical(Cardio): 30 minutes, level 13 difficulty. Managed a constant of 110 RPM average.

Power Press/Reverse-grip Bicep Curl: 70 lbs. 30 reps, no breaks.

Rear Deltoid Fuse(Side-grip): 90 lbs, 30 reps.

Tonight's musics come from the .hack//G.U soundtrack. The theme song for everybody's favorite obnoxious golden plated Slow Doberman, Piros the Third. Everybody I've met fucking hates this guy. I think I'm the only one in any social circle I've been part of that quit bitching long enough to pay attention to the overwhelming positivity backing the obnoxious (and in some cases, creepy) behaviour.
And then I got to see that Piros is the only character you get who is naturally built to cripple the game's most irritating enemies. Instant BroforLife status.