When Everything You Own Is Essential During A Move
This "get up and go" attitude I've had behind this move is starting to deteriorate. I don't have many possessions but when the only space available is downgraded to a station wagon some serious decision making is forced to come into play. I have been reminding myself that every move is like this for every person in some form or another.
I am now rummaging through what I had believed to be non-essential for my trip but having to decide what is non-essential has come to be very challenging. It's easy to think "Oh, this won't clothe me, improve my hygiene, or contribute anything to video production; toss it!", but once I get to each specific object people would think I was handling nuclear codes.
Everything I currently own has come with me all this way for a reason. Whether it be a silly knick-knack I nabbed at a festival or a Nintendo Wii with thousands of hours logged into Super Smash Brothers. I've moved nearly 6 times these past 5 years from apartment A to Apartment B, and what I didn't realize is that the possessions I currently own have been the essentials after all those years. These are the things I've decided to keep with me until this point.
I've made decisions to donate or sell various possessions and each time it feels like I've just lost something. That feeling people get when something is stolen from them, that sinking feeling when we reflect "Damn, I really wish that hadn't been taken away from me." That's the feeling I get each time I throw anything in the "donate" or "sell' boxes. It's exhausting.
However I am feeling better after writing this. This is my 3rd post and Steemit has already been a great way to let off some STEAM HAHA GET IT? Ohhh dear... I'm afraid I may be going crazy, but honestly writing this lightened the mood for myself. Here is a picture as I sit now surrounded by things I know and love(especially those plaid boxers in the top right corner; so comfortable). Welp, may as well get back at it. Things aren't going to hop into boxes themselves.